Chapter Thirteen

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Alessandra Drakkon

Queen of the Drakkon Empire

"Not if you do not want to be killed here and now, Lord Manth. You see people who threaten me don't live long, now what exactly is it you intend to do with this information?" Yanu and Tanza were tensed behind me, ready to kill him the moment I gave the signal.

"Nothing, I want nothing from you, I would like to negotiate a deal to get Solveig spices, but I do not intend to force you to make it in my favour, I am a simple man, your majesty. I have built my riches from the ground up ever since my father spent every penny we had, I have no intention of letting all of my businesses hang by a thread because I am blackmailing the Queen. I am not your enemy, I would very much like to be friends if you would consider it, allies if you believe you cannot trust me with your friendship, we have a common goal here, I do not intend to allow Lady Taarique to the throne, she is not fit for ruling and will push our economy into the toilet if you will." I eye him warily, he could be telling the truth, or he could be lying, I had thought something was off with him at the Nyri farm, but he had then fooled me when he stumbled into the chair and apologized to it, I had originally thought he was just one of those serious drunks, I would not underestimate him in the future again.

"I will choose to be allies with you, we may yet be friends or even enemies in the future only time will tell where your true loyalties lie. For every Solveig spice or herb you sell, twenty percent of the profits will go to an account for the Solveigs, not me, but the Solveig empire, they will have their own source of income, this is non-negotiable and is not counting the handling and transport fees that my empire will charge you because the only ship capable and allowed to go back and forth from the Solveig system is my cruiser." He nods, immediately seeing this as fair, which it indeed was, he knew that he would have the market on Solveig spices exclusively, so he could control the price how he chose, it truly was in his favour in the end.

"Agreed, I am glad we came to an understanding your majesty." I smile at him, baring my teeth slightly in warning, he had better not choose to deceive me again in the future or he would pay dearly for his betrayal. I leave his store and am relieved to see that Yanu or Tanza had summoned a shuttle to take us back to the palace, I was most definitely not in the mood to walk back now.

"Any news on the old woman?" I stare absentmindedly out the shuttle window, wondering how it would be if I could walk among these streets and not be recognized, to not be treated differently because of my status, though I didn't want to go anywhere near that woman again.

"No, the soldiers arrived at her location only to find her not there and all of her wares packed up. They've tried to locate her with the surveillance system but there is no trace of her, it is as if she was never there." I take this disappointing news in stride, I had expected it honestly, something was off about that woman though and I needed to find out what it was and if it was a threat to my empire.

"Keep looking, have we heard from the others yet?" It had been almost two weeks now, I would've expected to have heard at least some news from them by now, but not a word on their progress had arrived.

"Yes, actually, we just received word while we were in Lord Manth's store that Kailen has identified Lord Trax's daughter, the genetic match is positive, and I've arranged for Kailen to return with the girl in order for you to meet her, I hope that is alright your majesty." I wave Yanu off, more than okay with her arranging meetings with people who I want to see without my permission.

"No, no, no, that will work just fine. Do we have any background on the daughter?" I wanted to know if I was going to be dealing with a low class girl who knew nothing of politics or if it was someone who had at least a mild grasp of what I was about to ask them to do.

The Siege Of Drakkon: Book Three Of The Drakkon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now