Chapter 23

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The reception is interesting. I have shared a few moments with my new husband it is hardly a connection. How can you marry a man you hardly know? How can I be expected to love him?

“Beautiful ceremony,” Rocco sits next to me with champagne in his hand. “Would you like a glass?”

I snort. “no thanks."

“Come on, we’re Italian we have wine with every meal and champagne for every celebration.”

“I am a wife now. I can't drink at anytime.”

Rocco nearly rolls his eyes. “Lighten up, sister. Your husband wants a dance,” he nods his jaw in the direction of Antonio who is eyeing me from across the dance floor. “You still have two hours to enjoy before you tend to your husband,” he teases.

I stand and instead of walking toward the man who is basically shooting daggers with that gaze, I follow Hazel into the women’s room.

I grab her by her elbow and she yelps. “Arielle Jesus Christ you scared me.” She puts her hand over her heart.

“Sorry, I just need to talk to you.”

“Don’t tell me you’re still nervous about tonight,” she frowns.

“I think I’m more scared about losing my freedom.”

“Antonio would never, I mean sure you’ll have someone follow you everywhere, but he won’t lock you up in his penthouse.” She gently touches my shoulder. “You’ll be fine.” There’s something in her expression—sadness. Is she thinking about her soon to be wedding with Luca?

Stick to the plan, do what Antonio wants to tonight. I have to reach the cure of this system, Rey de la Mafia. Then everyone will live according to the obvious nature of Cosa Nostra. I have my brother involved into this life and I will do anything to bring the cure of establishment of this mafia life. They live by a motor which has been abolished. I will raise it again even if my life depends on it.

“You’re right. I’ll be fine,” I nod my head and walk over to the sink to pour cold water on my face.

Hazel quickly grabs my wrist. “You’ll ruin your makeup!”

I roll my eyes with an unhappy look. I needed help breathing, cold water on my face, fresh air, my dress unzipped…

“Go dance with you husband,” Hazel shushes me out of the bathroom and towards the dance floor.

Antonio has a drink in his hand, his posture demanding that I come to him or face the consequences. He scents of dominance and power. Charm, manipulation and danger radiating in his eyes. In a trance I stride to him.

“You look captivating,” he whispers in my ear. His warm breath touching the shell of my ear and causes me to shiver. “The crowd wants to see us dance. May I?” He holds out his hand.

My father and Luca stare me down and talk amongst themselves as if they are planning or laughing at what they know is to come in my marriage. Father smirks and I shudder, the face of a cold blooded murderer who feels no empathy for others. My father—the sociopath.

Luca eyes his bride licking his lips as if he were looking at his dinner. My stomach turns at the knowledge I have of his cruelty, one I don’t want him to share with my best friend and now cousin. I'll have to do something to stop their wedding.

“You worry too much,” Antonio’s sudden words startles me. “You pay an awful lot of attention to our guests. I think it’s time you give your husband the proper attention he deserves.”

“He’ll get enough tonight,” I murmur through gritted teeth.

For some reason that response pleases him. “Oh, I know I will.” he chuckles devilishly.

“Don’t sound so sure of yourself.”

“What? Going to put up a war?” He bends down to whisper in my ear, “I love a good war.”

I curl my lip in disgust and before I can open my mouth Angelo asks to cut in. His face is bruised and swollen but he still looks handsome in his pressed suit. He has a limp but that doesn’t stop him from taking my hand and sharing a dance with me.

“I wish there was something I could do to stop this,” he frowns.

I know he isn’t talking about the wedding that already happened, but what is going to happen tonight.

“Grin and bear right?” I tell myself not to cry even though I desperately want to.

“It doesn’t have to hurt. If you don’t fight it won’t—”

I shake my head. “Don’t. It’s too weird to talk about that with you.”

“I’m just trying to help you. I seem to be the only one on your side,” he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and pulls me into a hug. “You say the word and I’ll get you out of Chicago. I don’t care if it’s right now, next week or ten years from now. I want you happy, Ary.”

“I know you do,” I give him a weak smile. “But that’s not your responsibility anymore. This is for the good of the mafia.”


Antonio chimes in taking my hand and leading me away from my brother. “You alright?” He asks.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I reply but keep my eyes locked on Angelo’s.

“It looked like he was upsetting you. Plotting weird things to your little brain."

“It’s my wedding day I think I have a pass at being emotional.”

His jaw ticks as if he’s annoyed at me, but I don’t ask why and he doesn’t tell me why either.

I begin to dread even more what is to come as guests leave one by one, then two by two until there is only immediate family remaining. My father is the one to announce the ending of the night and gives Antonio a wink that tells him he is free to take me to our honeymoon room.

Antonio interwind his fingers with mine and escorts me out of the reception room, his bodyguards following us behind. Outside a black car waits for us to take us to the suite Antonio or whoever booked for us. The entire car ride is silent, but I’m all too aware of how close we are. Our shoulders and thighs are touching and every time I inhale I get a whiff of his intoxicating cologne.

How do I manage to adore his touch on my body?

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