Chapter 45

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The day went good, except that I hated the fact about making Antonio jealous. He is my husband and it doesn't feel good to test his feelings. I am at the beach house, I've skip swimming due to the worse nausea I was urged to return back.

There's no one here and I hate the loneliness feeling, the entire place is already quiet and now since nobody is around it feels more awkward to stay here. Hazel and Bella must be swimming at this moment, I badly want to join them but the biliousness has me weak. My head is pounding hard and I would not be able to make it out there.

The chilly air in the patio makes me savor a relieve. My head is resting back on the wooden chair and my eyes are closed. The rhythm of the drifting waves makes my mind stable and calm. Nothing can be more amazing than staying near the beach. I hear birds chirping, people cheering from afar, sound of breezes and vehicles gears from a distant.

I feel a hand on my head then I open my eyes to look at the man standing at my back. "Antonio." I whisper. He forces my head down to rest on the chair and avoids me to lift my head. I watch him in reel position. He has a smile displayed on his lips.

"You are not with the girls?"

"The nausea brought me here." I murmur, I am feeling groggy.

I watch as his brows knits together and he analyses my face attentively. He massages my scalps and his magical fingers makes me moan in pleasure. I get hold of his hand, "what are you thinking?" I ask him in low pitch.

He stops massaging my scalp then glances down at me. He sighs then I grip his hand and pulls him to sit beside me. He sits down. "You were in birth control, right?" He asks me.

I nod my head, "yes. I was on pills since I graduated from high school."

"Is there any chances that you forget to take it?" He asks while pinching the bridge of his nose.

I hold his other hand firmly around my palm. My mind swirls to the past few days. The entire tablets were well stocked I haven't bought any new pill either because I never ran out of pills. I preferred to purchase a good amount of it so I would not have to go at the pharmacy to fetch it.

"No, I didn't miss to take it. I take each one as prescribed by the doctor."

Our eyes locked for a moment, he holds my hand in his large palm and squeezes it firmly. "It might be belly bugs." He utters. He brings my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles.

I smile, "yeah, high chances its belly bugs."

"You should go to the doctor."

"Once the wedding is over then I will visit my regular doctor." I say.

"Good." He whispers, his intense eyes looks more captivating under the afternoon sun, its a brighter azure, matching the sky blue and I can't deny the fact how I adore to admire his handsome looking face.

He stares me with an unusual smile on his face. Isn't he supposed to be furious. Minutes prior I broke his rules, even though he triggered warned me I talked to strangers and the guy was flirting with me in front of Antonio. How is he normal.

"What are you thinking? About the volleyball punk?" There's a mixture of glum and choleric in his voice.

I stunned then utters, "sorry. I feel wretched for making you jealous. It was Bella's and Hazel's decision. I didn't wanted to..."

"Shhh." I sense the tickling of his breath on my knuckles which is still under his grip near his lips.

"No, let me continue. I should know what you feel for me. What if you hate me, then I should drop all the precise hope I have for you and I know you will never love me."

"Says who?" He snaps with amusement.

"You don't hate me?" I lean a little closer toward him.

He sighs as if he tries to gain all his strengths to speak with me, the glint fades from his yes leaving him cold and arrogant, "Ary."

"Yeah, tell me whatever you want. Just don't bury things inside of your heart—it hurts." I whisper.

A wave of comfort runs through him and I analyse the change on his behaviour. He calms himself and does not take his eyes off from me. It looks like he is about to reveal something about his past and I am ready to hear everything, good or bad, I will convenience myself to stick with him.

"Antonio!" Angelo's shout startled us. Antonio storms to the small gate in the patio. Following him I take a look toward the path to the beach, my eyes landed on Angelo, there are Rocco and Riccardo behind of him and they look furious.

"What's wrong?" Antonio asks.

Angelo glances at me in dread, my brother is hiding something significant from me. I look at him with stitches brows and my heartbeat increases.

"Someone broke into your club and knocked out four Made Men. What's more interesting and raging, they seem to be from New York crime family."

Marco Ricci? He is attacking on my husband, how dare him?

"Fuck." Antonio curses under his breath.

From the other side I spot Hazel and Bella approaching the beach house, they have a pareu wrap around them and they look dejected. They've got the information.

"Now what?" I feel dazed and weak.

"Stay here. I'll head to Chicago." He pauses, "Riccardo will stay back to look after you and my cousins are here too."

I nod my head.

Anto flashes to the our house to grab his belongings. I stand outside for a moment and I have a deep thought that something atrocious is about to happen. In a swift I advance toward the other house.

I meet Rocco in the lounge, "where is Antonio?"

"Upstairs." He motions toward the stairs.

I nod and rush upstairs. There are three bedrooms, one is ajar and I spot Antonio arranging his things in the back. I push open the door and approach to him under a blink. He glances at me with emotionless eyes. I watch the gun in his hand, his eyes flickers to what I'm staring at and he drops the gun in his bag.

"There's a war? Right?" Tears leaks from my eyes and my voice becomes shaky. I sniff.

"Ary." He motions his hand dismissively then sighs. He ignores my gazes at stare outside the window. "No."

"Don't lie to me. Downstairs my brother lied to me, he was hiding something. Don't bluff, Antonio. You'll have to tell me." I sob.

"Stop crying." He let's out a breath. "Yeah, we are lying. Your father slaughtered ten of my Made Men. He is calling for a war. I've leave my city on its own. There's nobody to take lead."

"You are not heading to Chicago. Its dangerous."

"I am going and you wouldn't stop me. My cousins will be here, have fun, enjoy this holiday and don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Its just two hours flight, I'll be back by next afternoon, I swear." He holds my shoulders with his hand and pulls me near him.

I feel the warmth of his naked chest. I'm whimpering and I can't understand why I'm being emotional. I think my hormones are changing, this was not me. How can I fell weak?

"You owe me a conversation." I murmur.

He grins, "sure." Pulling apart he presses his lips against mine with vigorous force, his hand grasps my hair and I press my hand on his chest. His tongue fight with mine under a ardour dominance. In a swift he throws me on the bed then crawls over me. His lips attacks my neck and I gasp.

"You don't need to worry about me." He whispers then places some light kisses on my collarbone, lowering down he squeezes my breast through the thin dress I'm wearing.

"I will. You are the significant person in my life. When crisis hovers against you and my brother I get scared of losing both."

He stops sucking my neck and glances at me, he then stands up. "You shouldn't be concerned about us. My jet is ready and we should leave." He grabs his black shirt. Wearing it he applies the buttons the takes his bag. He has a fiery look on his face. Within a second he storms out from the bedroom.

What's wrong with him?

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