Chapter 36

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When crisis fall over the mansion all I was worried about was, Arielle. I found myself anxious to search for her and I relieve ran through me when I saw her.

Once I reassured myself she is out of danger the concern decreases by turning into reckless desires of destroying the rivals.

I send her home with Riccardo.

The electricity is gone and it's barely able to recognize my men within the darkness. I have no idea who are those motherfuker who brought war under my mansion. How did they enter here?

Under the lightless fight I can scent the filthy rage of the Bratva members. Taking out my gun from the back belt I begin to shot. The lights turns on and an incredible disaster explode through my view. There's a dozen of dead corpses laying on the floor with a river of blood flowing around the floor.

The tenderness of gratitude enlightens my strength when I spot all my soldiers standing around the hall. Under a second another round of rivals begin to fire.

The sound of the exploding glass cause me to go immediately on high-alert. I’d been at this before, but never in my own mansion. We are under attack.

“Get down,” I shout.

More shots are firing. Chaos ensues as bullets embedded  themselves behind our heads. I curse under my breath. I can hardly see anything over the splinter wood that fills the air as the large solid wooden door blown apart.

I crawl across the floor as best I can, using all my years of training to clear my head.

“I can’t see shit!” I yell. I sneer as I feel a hot heat across my shoulder blade. I know that a bullet has graze me, but I ignore it. I don't have time to focus on my own pain. One wrong move and I’ll be dead.

I feel another sharp sting and this time I was sure that I have been hit as a deep, fiery pain radiates from my shoulder.

Whoever was shooting at us was going to be in for a rude awakening when I got my hands on them. My 9MM might not have been much in the face of a machine gun, but I’d been shooting since I was old enough to handle the recoil.

Whoever was shooting at us was focusing on the front of the house, I can creep off into the interior, but that wouldn’t solve the problem. So, I crawl back towards the front doorway. I need a cleaner shot.
“Antonio!” my brother shouts after me.

The moment I am outside of the office, I jump into action. After jumping to my feet, I move to the door as quickly as possible and hide behind the columns in the foyer.

A quick assessment of my surroundings tells me everything that I need to know. There are at least one shooter at the front of the house. Then my ears pricks as I catch the sound of gunshots coming from the back of the mansion.

A distraction.

They are luring out the men and our security forces before making their move.

A glint of a barrel under the moonlight gives the position of the shooter away, and I smirk. I might only have a 9mm, but I know that I can easily make the shot. Moving slightly, I position myself out of the doorway. If I wasn't quick, I end up with a bullet in my head, but I don't think about any of that as I take aim and fire.

The second my bullet hit his flesh, I knew; the sniper went down, losing control of his gun.

After moving out of the doorway, I examine the area.

"Mr. Giordano."

I level my gun, ready to blow the head off whoever dare threaten me in my family home, but the second the man in a dark suit came into view, I realize he is one of my soldiers team.

“Jesus.” I lower my gun just slightly. “I could have shot you.”

“Are you alright, sir?”

Walking over the bodies of some of our men make me wince, but I have to ignore them.

The sniper had been hiding in one of the trees. When I shot him, he fell into the rose bushes my mother planted years ago. Looking at them now, damaged and covered in blood, my desire to murder grow.

“Let’s see who you are.” I lean down and grip the sniper’s mask.

“What the hell?” I said to myself. "He is the man of the Macksacova family.

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