Chapter 40

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Crouching myself on the couch I open the fourth series of Amore novel. Antonio appear in the lounge and for the first time I am witnessing him wearing a black hoodie otherwise this devil is always seem in his elegant suits. He approaches near the three seat couch in which I am laying on, he motions at me to move, so he can join me. I rest my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me. I am holding the book near my chest in order if he wants to read with me.

We stayed like this for hours I guess. Tilting my head I get a glimpse of Antonio, I thought he fall asleep. For my astonishment he is reading with me and it makes me kind of happy. He said he don't like to read and here he is...

"Are you reading? Like seriously?"

"Yeah." He smiles. "What do you like about this book?"

"Everything. The man who the woman protagonist married was a mafia man. There life was kind of messy. They had secrets. Things got worse when they reveled their dark past to each other. What's more fascinating to me is about the male protagonist, Apollo. Apollo was bound to fight for his entire life, he distanced himself from love, later he fall in love and became a chivalrous person, he takes his wife to adven with him and is quite responsible for her."

"I can't be the Apollo of your imagination. Move on find your the Apollo of your life. Ary."

Moving me to the side he stands up and rushes upstairs. Tears brims in my eyes. For how long will he avoid me. What makes him think I was comparing Apollo to him. Day by day things are getting awkward between us. He can't ditch me for the rest of his life.

He has a past and I should find out. I will try hard to make him love me. I don't care if loving him will cost me my life, if it's for Antonio I am ready to give it all. He is the man who supported me in a way when my father ditched me. Antonio saved my dignity by marrying me and I will do anything to bring happiness into his world. I can't see him suffer within my presence. Antonio is good at hiding pain but I know when he endures ache.

He lost his father and I don't know in what circumstances he lost him mother. Is it his father's death that is still dwelling over him? Antonio is strong, I don't think it's his father. Maybe there was somebody else present in his life before I came in. Someone he loved truly that's why he abhor the word 'love.'

The rest of the day went in silence. Antonio was sleeping and I preferred him dinner. I made vegetable soup for him, since he is wounded, I guessed vegetables would be best for him and I made myself chicken soup.

Riccardo comes to the kitchen and sit on the chair by the island bar. "What would you like to have, vegetable soup or chicken soup?" I ask him.

"Chicken soup." He says. "You look pale." He snaps.

"I'm fine." I mumble. It must be the nausea I had earlier. I guess I should visit a doctor. The sickness in my stomach is getting worst.

Antonio enters the kitchen and sits by the island bar. Riccardo and Antonio talks for a few moments until I serve them their soups. They seem to be  really close as Riccardo told me prior, him and Antonio are good friends.

"Is this how you are going to torture. Vegetable. Seriously." Antonio picks a brim ful amount of soup in the spoon and analyses the vegetables I've add to it.

"Its healthy. You need to be in a good condition and you've lost plenty of blood during the attack and you don't want to go at the hospital. Where do you want me to bring you more blood?" I lift my shoulders. "You should have the soup." I warn him.

Riccardo let's out a laugh, "Chicago's Capo just got scolded by his wife. Salute to you Mrs. Giordano. I give you my honour." Ric teases.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." Antonio grins.

"This lady is poisonous. I told you already." Ric tells Antonio and my jaw drops.

"What...?" I watch them giggling like toddlers.

"You are the bodyguard and I'm the husband. You can't even imagine what it's like to deal with her." Antonio shakes his head and tries to hold back his smile.

Is he trying to mess with me. My eyes lands on the vegetable basket, grabbing it I take out the lettuce from it and dart it to Antonio. He catches it with one hand then smirks at me.

"Don't mess with me!" I say through gritting teeth.

"Whoa. I was impatient to witness this." He gestures the lettuce toward me. "Nice weapon by the way." He mocks.

"Its ridiculous. Stop messing with me." I point my index toward him.

"You look like a pouting doll when you're annoyed." He says.

Our fight has never last for many days. We often clash then reunite. His slow burn and my calmness might lead us to an awesome relationship.

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