Chapter 55

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I feel groggy as I open my heavy eyelids. My blurry eyes analyses the dirty dungeon for an instant. The first words that hits my mind-I’m kidnapped. I passed out for the last two or four hours. I barely recollect what happened. I don’t know the men who took me but they don’t sound like the Bratva. They sound like regular Americans with thick Italian accent. Sera were talking to me then Vlas appeared in front of me before I lost consciousness. Seraphia lifts my dress while the doctor rubs the cold gel on me and begins taking a sonogram. Dr. Judith, they’ve kidnapped her too?

“She’s pregnant alright,” the doctor nods her head staring intently at the screen. She barely take a glance at me.
Kidnapping me means the death of Antonio.

“We want to know the gender, we need to send a little gift to Antonio.”

I squirm in my chair at the sound of my husband’s name. I let out of muffled groan through the duct tape over my mouth. A wordless plea to let me go and leave my husband alone.

“A girl,” Dr. Judith says emotionless she wraps up the procedure and Seraphia wipes down my stomach and yanks my dress down. The doctors nods farewell to my kidnapper and leaves through the only entrance and exit without as much as blinking an eye at what she’s done.

Father appears at the door. “Hello,” his lips curl into a sickening smile. “I come bearing gifts,” he holds up a pair of baby booties that are pink. “I’m going to send them to your husband. I’m sure he’ll be glad to know the sex of his child. It’ll be a good way to make him step down.”

Step down?

“I knew your husband was weak. I knew he was weak since before you two were engaged. You see, I was the one who made Nicolas Giordano attack on you,” my eyes widen. “i played a nice game by giving you over. He married you and now you are the weakest point of your beloved husband. I’m going to murder the Giordano’s brother then take over their empires. I always knew Antonio was weak, he loved his mother and once a man is capable of love, he’s likely to love again and it happened. He fall into Seraphia’a trap but you ruined things by nearly killing your half sister. Thus i needed you use you as my prawn. I wasn’t sure if he was going to love you so I had to have a backup of course, so I changed your birth control. I figured if he didn’t at least love you he would love his child. Now I have his ultimate weakness standing in front of me, the love of his life pregnant with his daughter."

My father wants to rule both the Outfit and New York. He wants the Ricci name to take over.

He killed my mother, tried killing Angelo and now he’s going to kill me and my daughter all for power. To him family means nothing. My father is a ruthless. I want to scream it in his face, I want to cry out of unfairness and want to kill him with every fibre in my body. I’m scared of death and have no intention of dying at twenty one. I want to live, I want to live with Antonio in Chicago and raise our daughter to be happy and full of life-all he has for me is hatred. Antonio would not come for my rescue; he doesn’t want to see my face.

Crying left me exhausted and I don’t know how, but I took a nap. For how long, I’m not sure. I’m groggy and it almost makes me think they used the chloroform again.

I lick my dry lips feeling dehydrated and that’s when I notice there is no longer tape over my mouth. My first instinct is to scream, “Help!” I shout.

“Would you shut the fuck up? No one will rescue you until Antonio decides to show up.” Sera yells at me as she cocks her gun on my forehead.

“He is not coming for my rescue. He doesn’t love me. He doesn’t love anyone. Love is weakness, he is a Capo. Antonio is not capable of loving me!”

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