Chapter 38

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For the very first time of my life I've opened my eyes and saw Antonio sleeping sound fully. I'm glad he will remain at home today besides he needs rest. His wound would not cure within a day, he has been shot deeply.

I stare at him with a smile on my lips, he is snoring lightly and he looks like a carefree teenage bad boy while sleeping. I haven't seen him sleeping before because he always sleep after me and wake up before me. Having him beside me feels different—it feels like being at home. This house feel incomplete without Antonio and I pray he will always be safe in order to look after me. For the current moment I actually believe that Antonio cares for me, last night I saw the real concern which was displayed on his soul toward me. The fond he showed to me was adoring and I guess I might fall for him if he continues to appreciate me in his mafia ways.

Prior I spot the danger in Antonio when Leon Mansion was under attack, he was urged to destroy everything and the rage in his eyes narrated everything to me and what was more fascinating, while he was fuming with vengeance he did not turn his back on me. He escorted me outside and made sure I was safe—is this what he calls weakness?

If he thinks loving me would be his weakness then he's wrong, he already has a weakness.

The sudden nausea makes me rush to the washroom. The washroom has become my morning buddy. Kneeling in front of the toilet I throw up all the biliousness. Antonio comes to the washroom and he holds back my hair.

"We should go to the doctor." He mumbles.

"I'll be fine."

Standing to my feet I walk to the sink and watch my face with cold water. After watching my face I gaze at my reflection on the mirror, Antonio is looking at me with crossed arms. He is shirtless and my eyes wanders over his broad shoulders and giant tattoos.

Blinking simultaneously I shake my head, "how's your shoulder?"

"Better than last night." He glances me from the mirror.

"You should take painkillers. It might help." I throw a glance at him then down to the sink.

I brush my teeth and take a shower then after me Antonio does his business in the washroom. I advance downstairs where Riccardo is sitting with his tablet in hand and he has a cup of coffee on the island bar. He lifts his gazes and glances at me, "good morning." He says with a half smile.

"Morning, Ric."

Keeping my phone on the island bar I search for a chocolate oat bar from the cabinet then proceed to the coffee machine. Adding the coffee into the slot I let the machine do its job.

"How is Antonio?" Ric takes a sip of his coffee then places his tablet on the counter.

"Better. Don't you think he needs a doctor? Would the injury cure on it's own?"

He sighs flickering his eyes to me, "he has experienced worst than this. That's a minor issue for him." Ric smirks.


I turn to the coffee machine and pour the coffee on my cup. I sit on one of the long kitchen chair then open the chocolate oat bar. The sickness in my stomach has taken away my appetite I don't feel like having a complete breakfast. My phone buzzes on the table. Scrolling down the notification bar I spot a message from Angelo.

'I think you should ask Antonio about, Rey de la mafia. He might help. Take care, Ary.'

Biting my inner cheek in nervousness I glance at Riccardo then sigh. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He responds.

"What is Rey de la mafia."

Riccardo glares at me with astonishment. I hear some footsteps and Antonio reaches the kitchen with stitches brows he glances at me and at Riccardo.

"Why do want to know about it?" Antonio asks with coarse voice. He takes a seat in the kitchen chair by the island bar but he does not remove his eyes from mine.

I shudder and my heart picks a few beats. "I heard several things about Rey de la mafia system and I found out there was a book related to it. The book contains the cure of La Cosa Nostra."

Antonio gives me a sharp look, "may I ask where you've find the book."

A smile escapes my lips nervously, "at Leon mansion."

His eyes widens and he throws a glance toward Riccardo who shakes his head with a confusing face.

"But...the book disappeared last night." I say and we all exchange glances with each other. "Vlas Macksacova took it."

"What are the Macksacova's up for?" Antonio rests his arms on the counter.

"I remember the writer's name. Amara Salvadore."

Antonio grins making the situation appear more weird and confusing. What does he have in mind? He gazes at me with an intense eyes and all the emphasis vanishes.

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