Chapter 46

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This morning has been worst than ever. The vomiting won't stop and I can barely eat something plus I am anxious about Antonio. He went to Chicago, god knows what must be happening there. This man scares me to death. I'm not likely to do anything today, my head is pounding with pain.

"Ary, you look pale. I'm taking you to the doctor." Hazel holds my hand gently and she places a kiss on my hair.

"I'll tell Riccardo to get the car." Bella stride outside.

I badly need a doctor. I'm tired off this nausea thing, its becoming creepier that it scares me now. I know something is not right. The negative vibes are haunting me till the core. I hear the gear of the Ford Mustang in the garage.

"Riccardo is waiting." Bella peeks from the door.

Grabbing my handbag I amble to the garage. After closing the door Hazel joined us. I take out my phone and send Riccardo the location of Dr. Judith, she used to be my favourite doctor when I lived in New York.

"I've sent you the doctor's address."


Bella is in the front seat, Hazel and I have occupied the passenger seat. The entire ride to the doctor's place was silent. Arriving at my destination, Hazel, Bella and Ric followed me. I made them wait in the lounge then proceed forward to the doctor's door. Ric insisted to accompany me then I made him wait by the door.

"Ms. Ricci. It's been a long time." Dr. Judith greets with a welcoming smile.

"Its Mrs. Giordano now. Nice to meet you." I have a seat in front her desk.

"Yeah. You are married—my bad I forget." She grins, "what brings you here?" She asks with stitches brows as she put on her glasses.

"I'm having bad nausea, weakness and feeling groggy. Its been around two weeks since these symptoms are repeating."

"I'll suggest you to take a pregnancy test."

I nod with moon eyes hoping I'm not pregnant, I was on pills moreover we are not ready to become parents—I can manage, what about Antonio?

I grab the pregnancy test from the table and proceed to the washroom. My heart picks a rate. Should I be happy or scared?

"In your files it has been mentioned that you were on birth control." I hear Dr. Judith voice.

"I am still taking the pills you prescribed."

I pee on her tube then closes the lid. I places it next to the sink then wash my hand. I fidget my fingers nervously. The phone buzzes under my handbag, I fish for it. It's Antonio.

"Hello." My voice comes like a whisper.

"You went to the doctor. Riccardo told me. You've been sick the entire morning and didn't inform me." He says with concern tone.

"You went there for a job, I didn't wanted to disturb you."

I glance at the two lines displayed on the test. I sigh. This can't be possible. God, I'm pregnant. Tears begin to stream from my eyes. I sniff.

"Hey. Are you okay?" His asks softly. "Why are you crying?" The concern in his voice breaks me.

Why is he being nice, I want the rude, Antonio. The one who doesn't care. He will not accept this baby. My hand travels to my stomach and I caress it gently.

"I'm fine." I bite my inner cheek. I can't contain my tears. "When will you return?"

"By the evening. I promise to have tonight's supper with you." I can feel the smile on his face.

"Yeah?" I chuckle. "Are you serious?" I try to make my voice sound normal, I clean the tears with my knuckles.

"Yes. What did the doctor said about your symptoms? You are not pregnant, right?"

"No.Take care. I have to go." I hang up instantly.

Grabbing the pregnancy test I stride to Dr. Judith. She's sitting and her eyes are glued to the computer screen. "It's positive." I sit in front of her desk. "The pills didn't work? Was it hundred percent?"

"Arielle?" I hear a familiar voice. Tilting my face toward the door I spot Ric standing by the threshold. "You are pregnant." He analyses my face.

I shake my head. "Ric, don't...don't tell Antonio anything. He already has enough stress. I can't see him suffer more consequences because of me."

"Its his baby too. He should be aware."

"Don't tell anyone. I'll tell him." I gaze at him with teary eyes.

He approaches near me, kneeling in front of me he hugs me. "Don't cry. Everything will be fine."

"Antonio is not ready for this baby. He warned me that he doesn't want kids. There's a severe problem with the pills. I was alert to take it on time." I flickers my eyes to the doctor.

"Do you have a tablet of it with you?" She asks.

"Yeah." I search for it in my handbag then hands it over. "Here."

Judith takes out one pill then analyses it carefully. She looks at me in dread, eyes stunned, her brows knits together. "Have you been taking the exact pill as prescribed?" She asks.

"Yeah. What's wrong?" I shrug.

Riccardo stands at my back and listening to us. Dr. Judith seems to be confused, she analyses the pill several times for a couple of minutes.

"It looks like someone changed the pills. These are painkillers. Whoever bought you this has got these exclusively prepared under this shape and color. Who bought you the pills."

"My sister, Seraphia." I snap.

"You have a sister?" Ric asks instantly.

I glances at his then roll my eyes, "half sister!"

"What? I mean how?"

I look at Judith then she nods her head while getting the sign to give us privacy. She closes the door behind her back.

"Seraphia Ruselle. Our mothers are different. Same father. Marco Ricci had an extramarital affair with Clora Ruselle. I found out about Seraphia when I turned sixteen. We have same age with complete different personalities. She is a spoiled brat, the slut bitch." I say through gritted teeth.

"She put you in this mess. Where is she?"

"She must be in New York. I hate her. We've never got along."

"Who told her to brought your pills?" He questions.

My brows stitches together, "Marco Ricci."

"Damn it!" Ric punches his knuckles on the desk. "They've got us." He sighs. "Don't tell anyone about your pregnancy."

"What's going on?" I gulp down. Ric is making me more anxious.

"Marco Ricci has finally got us a weakness. The baby, he planned this. You should hide the truth, Arielle. Talk to Antonio sooner as possible otherwise I will tell him myself. He needs to know."

"Yes. He will find out by this evening." I nod.

"And yeah, don't tell Hazel and Bella." He says before storming out.

I let out a deep breath. I need to calm myself.

Dr. Judith walks inside. "Ready to see the baby." She beams at me and I nod my head. I wish Antonio was here.

How am I going to tell him. He says love is weakness and this baby is about to the the real weakness of his life. I don't want him to fall weak. He needs to be strong. We need him.

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