Chapter 10

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"It will be better to leave her here then she will be adapted with the atmosphere of Chicago. After some days I will announce our wedding." I hear Antonio telling my father. They are sitting in the lounge and I am eavesdropping their conversation.

"As a Capo I am proud of what you are doing." Father tells Antonio and an allure of provocation tempt through me.

After father left Antonio went to the study room. Angelo is still here, he said he will stay with me until he does not leave for New York. We are all at the Leon Mansion.

I hear some voices approaching near the patio and my eyes search for the girls talking among themselves. I see two girl coming toward me. They are both familiar to me since earlier I saw them at the graveyard.

"Hey." One of them say, she has blonde hair, green eyes and slim face.

"Hello." I make a bewildered smile.

"I am Arabelle." She brings her hand forward and waits for me to shake it. I place my hand into hers. "Nice to meet you." She smiles.

"I am Hazel Giordano and she is my sister." The other one with redhead says, her eyes are blue and has hearted shaped lips her eyes are marble blue.

"Hi, Hazel." I grin at her.

"And you are?" Arabella asks me with frown brows.

"I am Arielle Ricci."

They gazes me with a warm smile on their lips. I know they don't have any idea who am I. What should I tell them I am sold to Antonio Giordano—this will sound like trash.

"Cousins!" Rocco joins us. He hugs his cousins then turns to me.

"You guys must be wondering who this goddess is." Rocco glances at me then to his cousins, "she is the future wife of Antonio."

I watch as their faces lit with happiness, "OMG! I can't believe this is actually happening. Antonio is getting married." Hazel sounds in enjoyment.

"Is this an arranged marriage?" Arabella asks me.

"Yeah." I whisper.

"Don't worry. You'll get over it." She gives me a pat on the shoulder.

They begin to gossip among themselves then I stride onwards proceeding inside the mansion. I pace through the corridor for my astonishment I collide with Antonio. Within a second his hand is around my waist holding me from falling down. My mouth drops open at the sudden position dangling in his grip. His extreme harsh eyes meets mine in a swift I adjust myself on my feet.

"I...I'm sorry." I manage to speak, my heart is racing against my chest and the result says all when I talk, my voice is startling.

"Watch it—next time." His voice changes from anger to coarse.

I admire him striding forward through the corridor then he fades from my gazes when he walked to the patio. I continue my way to one of the rooms. I have no idea what is available in here instead I push open the door to discover things I never saw in my life. My eyes blinks twice at seeing the marvellous beauty of a giant library. The room is entirely stuffed with books. Advancing a step inside I close the door behind my back. Then I read some of the apperable titles. This is not an obvious library in fact the books are all related to the mafia lives. Running my fingers through the surface of the books my attention caught at the eye catching title, "Rey de la Mafia." I take the book in my hand and flip open the first page. It seems to be a decade since this book has been subsisted. In Spanish, Rey de la mafia means, Mafia king. I search for the author's name, Amara Salvadore. Published Year 1997. I don't know why but my inner thoughts tells me that this is the cipher to lead the mafia lives to another existing life—they can lead a better life than criminals.

"If this book has a blueprint, I will definitely read it." I whisper. Before placing it on its place I take out my phone and took a picture of the cover in order to browse it later.

I wonder if someone has ever read the book before? I don't think Antonio must have read it, he just took the position as a Capo. Maybe someone has narrated the story to them? The library seems to be a place where people so not usually go.

The title appears to be familiar to me but I can't remember where I've seen it...

Did I saw it somewhere prior or it's just my illusion. Maybe father has ever said something about this book, if I am not wrong, he was in search of it since a long time.

Does the book contain something which can cause chaos to the mafia lives?

A smirk appears on my lips. I take out my phone and dial Angelo's number. He picks up after a few rings.

"Hey. Have you ever heard about, Rey de la mafia?" I ask him through the phone.

"Where did you find it?" He replies in astonishment.

"Of course in the Leon Mansion. We need to talk."

"Meet me in the garden." He says before hanging up.

I walk straight forward the the garden. Can a single book change once life? Who is Amara Salvadore? How did she knew about all the history of mafia life. She might have been a part of this lifestyle too.

The garden is peaceful with the whillow tree towering upon us. I can smell the scent of flowers and freshly sliced lawns. We are sitting on a bench which is facing the statue of Adonis, there are several palm trees in our sight.

"What is the book about?"

Angelo gazes at me and loosens his tie. "I've heard many stories about it. Some says it's the way to change the mafia lives or it might help on destroying a rival. It is about La Cosa Nostra and the Bratva. According to the traditions it is believed that all deeds will continuously be repeated from decades. Till 1997 the Bratva has won each mafia war, the Macksacova family. La Cosa Nostra falls weak in front of them. This book is the path to lead the Italians to the victory line."

"That's mean no one has read the book yet?"

Angelo looks at me with dread then shakes his head. "Maybe the never noticed it."

"We should take it before it disappears from its place." I say.

"From now on, I will support you during each steps for your marriage. This is the only way of taking Marco Ricci down." Angelo gives me a dejected gaze.

I nod my head in acceptance. "We are the first children who wants to destroy their father." I let go a dry laugh.

"This idea will be insane. Let's get through this together." He mutters exchanging gazes with me. I feel relief all over my body—if I get the book then Angelo can become the next Capo of Chicago.

Will I be successful to help Antonio through this mission?

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