Chapter 2

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This morning I woke up with a head ache, it was not a normal pain, my head was pounding and got heavy time by time. Thanks to my favourite cold latte the pain flowed away for an instant. I go through my morning routine as I do on my regular schedule, after taking a hot shower I head to the lobby in order to take some fresh air and get my mind at a stable point.

Everything is currently blank. I cannot visualise about anything happened the day prior. I watch as my hand tremble when I reach for a magazine on the table I shudder and grab the magazine in a swift then drops it on my lap.

Father walks on the lobby. He is wearing a black suit he looks tired with the dark bags under his eyes-guess he was awake the entire night but what for?

Dragging my attention toward the magazine I assume as if I did not saw him walking to the lobby and begin to mind my own business-like I always do.

The clearance of his throat makes me gaze at him from the corner of my eyes. He appear to be quite furious it will be better if I don't talk about his arrogant attitude. He gestures toward me with a cruel gaze.

"I need you for something important." He says before looking in his phone.

Flipping the magazine on the coffee table I stand up energetically causing the couch to creak when it slides back with my force. Father glances at me with furrowed brows. I've never acted with force in his presence.

"What about? I had somewhere to go in an hour." My eyes shifts to my watch. What's going on father's mind now? Does he suspect something about me.

"Shut up, Arielle." He shouts which cause me to flinch at his sudden loud tone. "Its a business deal." He utters. He then leaves from the lobby.

I follow him all the way up to the living room where everyone are sitting while minding their own business.

"What's the urge of taking your-unworthy daughter to a business deal?" Everyone's attention drags to me. A smirk escapes from Angelo's lips and he shook his head dismissively. Luca looks pissed-like always. I watch as he rolls his eyes and looks back to his phone.

Mother is gawking me she looks concerned and by her look I can say she has been crying from a long time. What is happening here?

"Where is your sister?" Father asks.

Surveying him for an instant I shook my head, "she never informs before leaving." The bitterness in my voice makes father burst into anger, he throws one of the glass vase which was kept on the shelf.

Mother shrieks but immediately shirk before looking back at her phone ignoring the fact about hearing and seeing something being scattered around.

"She might be out for some work she is vulnerable not like Arielle-poor little coward." Luca adds with a disgusting look which makes me want to shot him in the head.

"Mind your tongue before I cut it off and feed it to yourself." Angelo spits out.

"That's not how two brothers are going to fight in front of me. Grow up Angelo." Father growls and Angelo stands up without fearing.

"You can't treat my sister like shit. She is a part of this family too. If this continues I am quitting with her and I know she will chose my side." Angelo says with a serious tone as he glances over me. Father takes out his gun so does Luca, they pointed it on Angelo. A gasp leaves my mouth and I move a little closer to my brother.

"You can't rule over this family you moron. We belong from the mafia family and I am the Capo here how dare you to open your mouth in front of me." Father grits approaching near Angelo. He does not flinch when father places his gun on his forehead instead he gazes at our father with a vicious eyes.

"Stop this." I mutter while getting admit father and my brother I know I should not do this father will definitely makes me pay for this. He will not spare Angelo for talking with him in such manner. God I don't know how I will save my brother and my life-please save me.

"Back off Angelo. Fighting with dogs are not worthy. You deserve more better than this life, brother." My hand reaches for Angelo's chest pushing him slightly I stand in front of the gun.

Glancing toward father I gaze him with anger on my eyes and I know he can see the frustration on my face. "If you pull the trigger right now, tomorrow's news will be interesting. New York's Capo shot her daughter because she is a coward-does not makes sense." My lips turn into a disgusting smile then he puts the gun back on his belt holder.

I just messed with a devil and I know the consequences will be worst. I prefer the worst result than staying with this man. Father clenched his jaw and has bulging eyes. Standing in front of him does not make me afraid anymore, I have seen the worst in him and I will never forgive him for the things he has done to me. Marco Ricci has failed as a father for his daughter and son except for Luca, he is the one who got more respect and affection than us. Angelo knows that he would never earn father's place that's why he does not stay over for business meetings and all. He has deserted himself from the family yet I am thankful that he did not turned his back on me. He never failed as a brother to me.

Luca is vicious and the most unwanted man I have seen my entire life he might be my brother but he will never earn my love as a sister.

Love is weakness that is what we have been taught since our childhood. Father says the enemy always search for weakness before slaughtering and that is why he never loved us. He says this is the life of every mafia man especially for the Capo and under boss, they have way too much foe.

Being the daughter of a Capo taught me that crisis is inevitable. Anything can kill us at any point of life-I have experienced it and it hurts.

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