Chapter 1

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"Hey, Vix, you ready?" Loba asks from the door of my room.

"Oh, uh, almost!" I answer back hastily.

"Uh huh, with underwear all over the bed, and bras still in the drawer. You really look ready." She says sarcastically.

"Well, I want to be completely ready." I stop stuffing shirts onto the suitcase, and turn to my beautiful best friend. She has blond hair, and perfect features.

"You'll be fine." She tells me. "Adrien and Finley are on their way. From there we'll-"

"Wait," I cut her off, "Finley and Adrien are coming too?"

"Oh, right that was supposed to be a surprise." She bites her lip and looks down.

"Ugh, I knew I should've just kept on doing my classes and interning at the clinic." I mumble under my breath.

"Vivian Awena Jones! You're gonna be fine! Kaitlynn promised that she would hold your internship until you get back in a few months. C'mon it's summer! Loosen up!" Loba grabs my shoulders and shakes the crap out of me. Just then, the doorbell rings to our shared apartment.

"Looks like Loverboy is here." I mumble again.

"Be. Nice." Loba points at me before walking out of my room.

"Cross my heart, hope to die. You give me anxiety but I'll comply." I say as I roll my eyes.

I walk to the living room just as Loba opens the door. Adrien and Finley walk in with two suitcases each. The two are best friends, and roommates. Adrien walks right in, and greets his girlfriend. They were the ones to organize this trip, I bet.

"So, as you know, we're going to Paris." Adrien says to us. "We'll be riding first class, and luckily the seats face each other, so we'll be able to talk without having to turn around. We leave for the nine hour flight in the morning at seven. We'll get there around 4 or 5 depending on the delays, I already have the hotel booked, and we'll go sightseeing and do all sorts of stuff while we're there." He talks like he's a tour guide telling us the plan for the day. Like dude, appease your mammary glands. (another way to say calm your tits.) I sit and listen patiently while he talks, and think to the mountain of clothes that I still don't have packed.

"And then, after all of that, we'll visit the paris-plages, which is a thing where the mayor builds artificial beaches on the river Seine during the whole summer, I think I'm saying that right, but that's all, go get ready for the vacation of a lifetime!" He finishes with a flourish of his hands.

"Ok, that's great and all, but I still have to pack. I'll just be in my room, not wanting any visitors." I say, walking backwards to my door.

"Wait, get your antisocial ass back over here." Loba snaps jokingly.

"Make me." I stick my tongue out at her and open my door, hearing her stomp towards it. I step inside and lock the door behind me.

"God damnit Vix!" She yells. "You will pay for this!"

"Sure, Hazel." I purposely call her by her first name to make her even more angry at me.

"You- don't call me that!" She yells.

"Babe, calm down. She's just being Vix. Let her finish packing." Adrien says as I slide down my door. They all think I'm just an antisocial moth with crazy adhd. I don't show it, but my adhd is pretty bad. I bottle it all up instead of talking about it. I have panic attacks and mental breakdowns daily. I just don't show it. Loba understands me, so she helps me when it gets to be too much. But sharing a suite with two other people, one of which I really don't like, just makes me want to scream. I sit and cry silently as I hear the others laugh in the other room.

I slowly stand, and finish packing. I had cried until I heard everyone get quiet, and Loba dished out blankets. The boys were gonna crash on the couch, and by the boys, I mean Finley because I'd bet my left arm that Adrien is sleeping in Loba's room.

I check my clock. It reads 2:36am. Great, a new record. I sat in my thoughts for a total of six hours. I put my suitcases and backpack next to me. I'll take my backpack as a carry on item. I lay down in my bed, and try to go to sleep.

My stomach rumbles, waking me. It's only 3:00am so I didn't sleep for long. I stand up, only wearing my cropped nightshirt and shorts, and walk to the kitchen. I hear soft moaning, and turn around. The fuck is goin on in my house? I grab a spatula, and creep into the living room, and I see a lump of a person under the blanket on the couch, and decide that it's Finley.

"They've been going at it since eleven. I haven't been able to go to sleep since they started that shit." I jump, and point my spatula (great weapon btw) at Finley's curled body.

"Holy shit, you scared the fuck out of me!" I whisper yell.

"Well, that's not my fault." He whispers back, sitting up and stretching. Let's just say that his shirtless body ain't that bad... "Like what you see?" He asks.

"Pft, as if." I don't like you, so stop being a cocky mother fu-

"So, what were you doing?" He interrupts my thoughts, and stands. Dude, put a shirt on.

"Oh, I was doing this thing called minding my own business, I see that you've never tried it." I whisper snap.

"What a firecracker. Are you always this bitchy?" He walks to the kitchen and grabs a cup from the cabinet like he lives here. This cocky ass motherfuckin' model lookin bastard did not just call me bitchy.

"Uh, excuse the fuck out of me, but what the hell did you just call me?!" I walk up to him, even though I only come up to his shoulder, and glare at him.

"I called you a firecracker, and I said that you were bitchy. I mean, either way, I didn't lie, Princess." He takes a sip of the water.

"I hope you get sick from drinking the Miami tap water you sorry ass mother fucker." I hiss, before walking back to my room, spatula still in hand. "And don't call me princess! I snap, still walking.

"Nice ass, Princess." He says, stopping me in my tracks.

I turn, and stalk towards him, holding my spatula up, and smack his cheek with it. He clenches his eyes closed as the hit came, and then smiles. He leans down really close to my ear, and whispers, "Nice hit," and then he walks around me and back to the couch.

I breathe deeply, and put the spatula back before grabbing a cheese stick and walking heavily back to my room, glaring at Finley the whole way.

AN: Thanks for reading, I'm gonna do a character page in the next chapter. This story is actually based off of a dream I had recently. I hope you enjoyed.

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