Chapter 16

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We close the door, and look at each other with shocked faces. We've been gone for almost three hours, and they're just now finishing? Did they do another few rounds or something?

"Well, now we can tease them about fucking each other in front of us." Ansel snickers.

"Technically, we walked in on them, they just didn't stop. Honestly, I wouldn't have either, but that's just me." I say, glancing down at my phone to see that Loba had just texted me, telling me it was okay to go back inside.

Opening the door, I smile cheekily at the flushed, sweaty couple. "Heyyyy." I say awkwardly.

"Bro, you used protection, right?" Ansel suddenly says, smiling. Adrien's red face somehow got redder. I double over, laughing. Loba sends me a glare.

"At least we did it knowing where you two were." I say in between laughs.

"Yeah, in the bed next to you. We didn't know when you were coming back." Loba says, still glaring.

"We went to watch a movie, that gave you plenty of time to fuck before we got back." I smile as Ansel wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"Well, we may have went for a few rounds. The last time was the night before we came to Paris." Adrien says.

"Wow that's a whopping," Ansel counts on his fingers, "five days!" We laugh, and soon, the others join.

"This just means you have to give me a day alone with Ansel soon." I whisper to Loba. She smiles at me.

"Just so you know, the neighbors can't hear you. There's some sort of soundproofing through the walls." She whispers back, making me blush slightly.

Loba knows I'm not a very quiet person. Oliver, the guy I almost fucked, learned that quickly.

"Thanks." I whisper, before being interrupted by Ansel throwing my body over his shoulder. "Woah!" I squeal as he spins in the room, making me spin as well. The other couple is clapping by the time he sets me down. I stand, and stumble into his chest.

"Someone's a little eager." He mumbles into my hair.

"Nope, just dizzy." I reply.

"Hey, we have our appointment at two." Loba says.

"For what?" Ansel and I ask in unison.

"Oh, not you. For me and Vix, and I can't tell you what it is until we get there." She says, putting a shirt with The Beatles on, and jean shorts.

She throws me a black shirt with 'I hope karma slaps you in the face before I do' on it, and another pair of frayed jean shorts. I shrug, and change in the bathroom.

We walk up the door after saying bye to the guys. "So, where we going?" I ask.

"To a place." She replies, checking the time.

"Oh, really? I thought we were going to Hell." I reply sarcastically.

"Well, we probably are, but we're actually here." She says, stopping in front of a small shop.

"Where are we?" I ask, then I catch the strong scent of the nail salon. "God no, I'm not getting my nails done." I say, covering my nose from the strong smell.

"Yes you are. I've already picked out a simple teal french tipped coffin style for you." She says, paying the woman at the front desk with claws for nails.

"I don't want coffins on my fingers!" I hiss at Loba.

"No, it's a style, you'll like it." She says.

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