Chapter 3

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Before the plane lifted, I start hyperventilating. I really don't like flights. I've only been on two. One to Ohio to see my family, and one back. I start breathing really heavily.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ansel asks me.

"I don't... like... planes. Never... have." I gasp. He nods, and turns to Loba.

"Hey switch me seats for a second?" She shrugs and switches.

"Why'd... Why'd you.... Move?" I squeeze my eyes closed and look up, clenching my fists.

"Because I understand fear. I grew up with it. Here, take my hand, and breathe. In. Out. In. Out." I do as he says, reluctantly. "There you go. Now relax. You'll be fine." I slowly breathe, and find myself calming down. Why is he helping me? I'm not understanding.

"Well," he says after about thirty minutes, "I'll switch with Loba again."

"Wait!" I grab his arm. "I don't want you here, but I can already feel my breath leaving. Please stay." I say, looking the other way.

"Okay, I'll stay here. You know, it's kind of funny. Other girls lose their breath when I come near them, but you lose yours when I leave." He smiles.

"S-shut up." I have to hide my smile.

I nod off a few times, and then I jerk back up, gaining a few laughs from the people around me. I just roll my eyes and turn back.

I open my phone, and scroll through my music, clicking on a good song. I lean on the armrest and close my eyes.

"Hey, you were snoring." I pull my head off of Ansel's shoulder, and see a few smiling faces. Adrien and Loba are grinning at me from their seats. I turn my head to see Ansel smiling as well.

"I was not." I say, and turn to look out the window.

"Yeah, you were." Ansel says, chuckling.

"I didn't ask for your input." I grumble.

"She's not a very nice person when she first gets up." Loba says.

"Oh I know that from this morning." Ansel says, nodding.

"Uh, what?!" Loba asks, directing her head towards me.

"Well, last night I didn't eat dinner, so I went to sleep, and I woke back up less than an hour later, and couldn't sleep since I was hungry, so I went to the kitchen, and uh, I heard you guys, not sleeping-" I start.

"Not sleeping?! The two were clapping cheeks so loud I thought for sure that they would fuse together!" Ansel says rather loudly, making the couple in the seats next to is look over at our group.

"Uh, yeah. Anyway, so he was still awake from the uh, noise and then I was gonna grab a cheese stick, and then he went to get water and then he called me bitchy and I blew up on him. Then he said, 'nice ass, Princess' and then I turned around and smacked his cheek with a spatula." I finish speaking, and Adrien and Loba's faces turn red.

"You two were awake?" Adrien asks quietly. We both nod.

"How hard did she hit you?" Loba asks.

"Uh, hard enough for me to flinch, she's got one hell of an arm." He says, smiling at me.

"And did you like it?" She asks.

"I mean, I deserved it, but I didn't not like it." He says, and I choke on my orange juice.

"Kinky." She says, and sits back in her chair. I continue choking until Loba reaches across me and starts thumping me on the back, smiling the whole time. "So, your ship name is Vivley. Vivian and Finley. I don't care which name you go by, that's what it is."

"And what is yours and Adrien's? Adrioba?" Ansel asks, totally unphased with the fact that she just shipped us. Hell no, I am not going to be with him.

"Actually, it is." She replies smoothly. Ansel looks over to Adrien, who was just laughing about the whole situation.

"I had no choice in it. Don't look at me." He laughs out.

We all smile, and laugh, and talk more. I argue with Ansel a few times, but other than that, my plane ride to Paris was awesome.

"Alright, passengers we now ask you to buckle up, because we are going down. We will be landing at the airport in about ten minutes. We hope you enjoyed the ride here. Thank you." The flight attendant says.

We get buckled, and talk about the fact that I was freaking out. Ansel grabs my hand again, and hugs me to him this time. A flight attendant, checking that everyone was buckled, walks by. She stops in front of us.

"Aww, does your girlfriend not like flying? Well, it's good that you're taking care of her." Loba and Adrien snicker from the seats in front of us.

"Yeah, my girlfriend doesn't enjoy flying very much. In fact, I had to calm her down just this morning, before the flight. She really enjoyed that, didn't you, Princess. I had her calmed down with just a few rubs from my finger."

The flight attendant looked horrified, her mouth hanging open, and her hands over her heart. I was too busy hyperventilating to be able to respond, and the two in front of us were cackling with laughter. If not for the seatbelts, they would be on the floor rolling. "She just loves the way I rub her from the eyebrow to the tip of her nose." The flight attendant sighs, and walks away, mumbling something about kids that pull pranks deserve to go to hell.

I gotta give it to you, Ansel, you can pull a pretty good joke. I smile through the gasps, and try to sit up, gripping Ansel's hand like my life depended on it.

We step out of the plane, and into the airport. We get greeted by a french man at the gates.

"Bonjour, et bienvenue à Paris. (Hello, and welcome to Paris.) " He says.

"Bonjour, Monsieur. (Hi, sir.)" Loba replies, since she's the only one of us fluent in French. The rest of us nod, and follow Loba. I was still holding Ansel's hand.

"Vos bagages sont au port bagages. (Your luggage is at the luggage port.)" The man says before we walk off.

We go to get our luggage with no problem. It was all there, and nobody had stolen it. We grab it, and walk to get a taxi.

AN: I wanna thank google translate for helping me in this chapter, and a whole bunch of chapters in the future. Fun fact, the girl Loba is based off of actually knows French.

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