Chapter 15

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"No! You do this every time we go out! I'm tired of it!" I hear a female voice yell.

"Ok, but it's not my fault! I just like looking at things other than clothes." I hear a male voice say back, softer than the girls'. I think it's Adrien and Loba arguing.

"So you look at the same clothes just on another woman?!" Loba yells.

"I wasn't looking at her clothes, Pup! (Get it, since Loba means wolf? No? Okay...) It was her hair! Her hair was cool, and I was thinking about what you would look like with the same style!" Adrien yells, a little louder than before.

"I don't care if you were thinking about how ugly she was, you were still looking at other women!" Loba roars. I've never heard her get this loud.

I open my eyes slightly, and notice that I'm curled up, facing Ansel. His eyes are slightly open, as if he just woke up.

The curtains around our bed are closed, so I lean forward, and kiss him awake. It takes a minute, but he starts kissing back.

"Good morning, Princess." He says in his deep, husky voice.

"Good morning, Babe." I reply, kissing him one more time, before sitting up, and stretching.

Ansel reaches next to me, and squeezes my hip. I yelp a little, but too quiet for the fighting couple to hear me.

"Are they okay?" Ansel asks me. I shrug, and listen.

"Pup, calm down! I only think of you every second of every day! I would never cheat, or leave you! I love you more than the sun loves the moon, and I always will!" Adrien yells over Loba. She gets quiet.

"The sun and the moon only ever touch each other once every so many years." Loba mumbles.

"That's why I love you more." He says, and I hear Loba start to cry. She never cries.

"I love you too. I'm so sorry." Loba replies.

That's when the kissing started. I exchange a shocked look with Ansel, before we get up, quietly get dressed, and walk out the door.

I'm in a simple 3 doors down t-shirt, which I've loosely tucked into light, frayed jean shorts. Ansel threw on a pair of black skinny jeans, with holes in the knees, and a white t-shirt with three ravens flying across it.

"So, where to?" I ask, grabbing his hand. He I replaced our fingers, and I smile.

"I don't know. Do you want to do anything in particular?" He asks.

"Well, not really, but I'm pretty sure it's your birthday coming up, right?" I look at him from the side of my eye.

"Yeah, it's tomorrow. June 13th." He looks to the ground, smiling a little.

"Ok then, let's go do something for your birthday then." I pull him down the hallway, and down the elevator. Once we get outside, I look at him. "What's your favorite thing in the world?" I ask, grabbing both of his hands in mine.

"Besides you?" He smirks as I blush.

"Yes, besides me." I reply, pretending to be annoyed.

"Okay, ummm, want to watch a scary movie?" He asks me.


I hate scary movies.

"S-sure." I mumble.

"Okay, let me pull up the closest theater." Ansel says, grabbing my hand with one of his, and using his gps in the other.

We walk into the theater. Ansel had chosen A Quiet Place. I grab his forearm, just above where our hands were intertwined.

"Two tickets for A Quiet Place, right?" The man at the front desk asks nicely, eyeing me the whole time.

"Yup, but your going to be a lot quieter if you don't remove your eyes from my girl." He hisses. "I'll take the large bucket of popcorn, and two large Cokes." He changes his tone of voice.

"S-sorry, Sir. Will that be all for you?" The man gulps.

"Vix, you want anything?" Ansel, looks down to me, hugged up to his arm, glaring at the man. Ansel chuckles. "She'll take a box of Junior Mints, and I'll take M&M's."

I look up at him, surprise that he knows my favorite candy.

"I pay attention," is all he says as we walk to the room showing our movie. I take a deep breath as we sit down in the middle of the third row. "Are you okay?" Ansel asks.

"Yeah, just fine." I reply, my voice shaky.

"No, you're not just fine. What's wrong, Vix?" He asks again, laying his unoccupied hand on my forehead. "Do you feel sick? Oh my god, is my pull out game that weak?" I laugh at him, and he looks back at me.

"Your pull out game is fine, I'm not pregnant. I just don't really like scary movies."  I say, looking up at him.

"Oh. You could've said something earlier, and we wouldn't have watched it." He says, trying to stand up. I grab his arm.

"No, it's fine, I'll watch it for you." I pull him back down, and he lands in the seat with an 'umph'.

"Jeez, fine." He laughs, and sits back down. There's only a few other people in this room, and I'm pretty sure the ones in the very back row are pleasuring each other.

The movie starts, and there's a family in an abandoned store. There are three kids, from the look of it, and the middle one is sick. The camera shows a young boy, around five or six, and they have to stay quiet.

The oldest kid gives the younger on a toy rocket, and takes the batteries out. Then, the youngest one grabs the batteries from the table just before they leave.

"Idiot kid." I hear Ansel mumble.

They walk down the street, and they get to a train track thing, where the boy puts the batteries back into the toy, and starts it. The dad turns, and runs to the boy. A big thing with long legs, and weird arm things, suddenly flies from the woods, and grabs the boy before the dad can, making me jump and squeak. I bury my face into Ansel's chest.

"Is okay, Princess. I've got you." He says, putting a hand around my shoulders, and pulling me towards him.

The rest of the movie was okay, until I got worried that the pregnant mom was going to get eaten. (She didn't, luckily)

Ansel mumbled things a few times about the actors, and to me. I smile at him when the movie finally ends, and he hugs me to him.

"Wasn't that bad, was it, Princess?" He asks me.

"Not when I was next to you." I mumble into his chest.

We make our way back to the hotel, and we walk in as soon as Loba cums under Adrien.

"Woah!" I yell as the two reach their climax together.

"We'll be outside." Ansel says as we walk back out of the hotel.

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