Chapter 8

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I pull my head up slowly, and look at Ansel. "What is it?" I ask quietly.

"Where in the hell did you get a scar like that?" He asks, standing again.

He's talking about the scar from the plate. I don't want to tell him the story, but he'll know if I'm lying.

The scar is a straight white scar where no hair grows, about an inch and a half long. When I lowered my head, my hair parted, and he saw it. I squeeze my eyes shut, and start talking.

"When I was, I don't know, thirteen, my dad was really drunk when he came home one night. Mom had to work really late, so it was just me and him. I had cooked pork chops, mashed potatoes, and corn. Apparently, he wanted something else. He threw the plate, with food on it, at me. The plate shattered against my head, and cut me in a lot of places. The scar you saw was where the plate hit me at first. All of the other scars faded with age, except that one. I cleaned myself up, and got Loba to help. I didn't let my mom know, and to this day, she still doesn't.

"Did you know that she works at the clinic with me now? She had already been studying to be a doctor in middle school, so I let her numb, and stitch me up. For her first patient, she did good, I think. It made us closer as friends anyway. She even came to Miami for collage with me." I say, and Ansel just looks at me sadly.

"Where'd you come from?" He asks.

"Ohio." I reply.

"Oh that's cool, my family came from Virginia." He says. I smile.

"I know." I say. Ansel's face seems to think back to that day I was taking a shower.

"Right." He replies.

Just then, the door starts to open.

"Please don't say anything to anyone else. Besides you, only Loba knows." I whisper. He nods.

"We brought SANDWICHESSSS!" Loba yells.

"Ooh, that sounds good." Ansel says, getting off of the bed and grabbing two, handing me one.

"Anyone down for a movie?" Adrien asks.

"Oh, yeah, for sure! What movie?" I ask.

"I was thinking Bridge to Tarabithia." Adrien says.

"Oh my gosh, I love that movie!" Loba says happily. I can tell it's for my benefit, but I don't mind. As long as she's not sobbing over my shoulder like she did when we were kids everytime something would happen.

"I remember when we were little, we would watch that movie with your brother." I say from the bed.

"Yeah..." Loba smiles at the memory. Her brother was killed in a train accident. His truck broke down as he went to pass the tracks, and a train was too close for him to get out of the truck. Loba still blames it on him for being a 'dumb hoe who don't know how to drive'. Her words, not mine.

Adrien puts the movie on in the living room, and since I was still sore, I had to limp to the couch. Before I got there, however, Ansel pulls me up, and plops me on the couch next to him.

"I didn't need help." I mumble.

"Yeah, but I still did it, because your face was contorted in pain. So, I helped you anyway." He says smugly as I bite into my sandwich.

"Whatever." I say, around my turkey and cheese.

"If you ever need help, Princess, just tell me, and I'll do it." He whispers seriously while Adrien and Loba argue about who's better at making popcorn. I nod, and feel my cheeks get warm.

After the movie (Loba cried) we played board games. Ansel refused to play Monopoly, claiming that his sisters made him hate it. So we played Yahtzee, Clue, and Simon. Loba won on Yahtzee, Ansel on Clue, and me on Simon. Adrien kept griping because he kept losing in last place.

We all laugh, and joke for the next few hours, and before we know it, it's eleven at night.

"Well, so much for dinner." Ansel says.

"Right." I agree.

"Hey, it's okay, I know how to make waffles." Loba says, and gestures towards the waffle maker that the hotel came with.

"Ooh, I want waffles!" Adrien says, and we all agree.

We eat, and go to lay down.

"Princess, are you okay?" Ansel asks.

"Yeah, why?" I ask, and roll over, which happened to be right into his chest. "Oh!" I gasp. "Damn, you're ripped!" I say quietly. I've seen him shirtless, but touching him is so much better. I run my hands down his six pack, and back up.

"Having fun?" He asks.

"Uh, yeah, it's been a while, I'm sorry." I say, and scoot away a little.

"Don't be sorry. I swear, as soon as your not in pain anymore, I will take you right here on this bed, while our best friends sleep in the bed next to us." He says in a seducing manner.

"Really now?" I ask back, licking up his jawline. He gasps a little bit, and smiles.

"Princess, you're going to get me all riled up, and I can't even fuck you. Calm down." He mumbles, fully aware that the couple in the other bed is awake, carrying on their own quiet conversation. We had closed the curtain that connects to the ceiling to at least give us each a little privacy. But it's not sound proof.

"He didn't hurt me that much. I'm fine, it's just like a rape kink that got played out. My va-jay jay is perfectly okay." I say, pointing to my crotch. He chuckles, and kisses me suddenly. I gasp, and kiss him deeper.

We kiss for what seems like forever. We get interrupted by Loba's voice.

"Babe, babe, they're making out!!" She says just a little bit too loud, and we break apart, rolling our eyes.

"Yeah, and you just cockblocked my bro." Adrien replies.

"Oops," she says quietly. "You two can continue!" She says a little louder.

"The moment's been ruined, Loba. Thanks." I say. She giggles, and we scoot closer together, and I lay my head on his chest, while he holds me close.

I may not want to, but I'm falling for Finley Ansel Williams...

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