Chapter 18

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*Vix's POV*

I sit up quickly, tasting the metallic taste I always get in my mouth before I throw up. Not noticing the fact that Ansel isn't in the bed, I run to the bathroom. It's steamy in here, but I don't notice. I become quick friends with the toilet as I lean over it.

"Princess?" Ansel asks, peeking his head out of the shower curtain.

My reply is simply my dinner going into the toilet.

"Woah, Princess, are you okay?" He asks. I shoot him a quick thumbs up, before flushing and leaning against the base of the sink. Coughing a few times, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. God, my head hurts. "You should go grab some painkillers and a glass of water. I think you drank way too much last night." Ansel chuckles, pulling the curtain back, covering his face.

"I can't get up. I don't want to puke anymore." I croak just loud enough for him to hear me.

"Give me a second then, Princess." He says, turning the water off. I have barely enough time to cover my eyes, before he steps out. "You don't have to cover your eyes, we've had sex. Naked sex." He says the same thing I had a week ago. I chuckle, before having to hug the toilet again.

"I fucking hate hangovers." I groan, "but I love drinking.", Ansel laughs lightly, before leaving the bathroom with a pair of sweats hanging low on his hips.

He comes back a minute later, with the water and medicine. I accept it gladly.

"Wasn't Loba going to take us somewhere today?" I ask.

"Uh yeah, she said something about the paris-plages." He says.

"Oh, well, I guess I should get ready. I just really don't want to get up." I grumble, pulling myself from the floor.

"Yeah, I suppose." He says, helping me up.


I dress in a black strapless bikini with light pink suns and moon on it.

Loba dressed in a light blue and white bikini with tiny dinosaurs on it, the bottoms are plain light blue. (Loba seems to like dinosaurs)

Adrien dressed in simple black trunks with little white dinosaurs to match Loba's.

Ansel dressed in black trunks with white suns and moons to match mine.

We leave the house, us girls wearing see through kimono covers, mine black, and Loba's white, and the boys simple white tanks. Deciding to walk, we stop for some coffee on the way. I got my usual vanilla frappe, Loba got her a caramel macchiato, and the boys got vanilla frappes after they tried mine, too scared to try something new. We walk to the bridge, and make our way to an empty spot. Loba spreads her beach towel out, handing Adrien the sunscreen, and they make applying it very sexually. I rub my own sunscreen everywhere I could reach, before Ansel took it out of my hands, getting my open back. He does it quickly, but gently. I could tell he was nervous to be rubbing my bare back the way he was, but he didn't make it awkward.

I help Ansel with his back, running my hands over the grooves in his back. The muscles there soothing to the touch. I continued to rub up and down his back long after the screen was rubbed in.

"Having fun?" Ansel chuckles after a minute or so. I gasp, realizing what I was doing, before he turned to face me.

"I was just thinking how nice it'd be to sketch your back." I reply, looking away.

"You draw? What can't you do? Drawing, sex, singing, drinking, sex." He lists on his fingers.

"You said sex twice, and I can't sing. I don't even know where you got that from." I say, laying on my own blue and white striped towel, pulling my arms behind my head, bending my knees a little, hoping to tan a little more for the summer.

"I know. You're just so good at it, I thought I ought to add it in there more than once. And yes, you can sing. I heard you last night." He says, and I jerk my eyes back open.

"I sang last night?!" I ask, looking at him hard.

"Yup, you sang Secrets by One Republic of all songs." He laughs, and I try to remember the last time I had heard that song.

"I can hardly remember that. I haven't heard that song in forever, so I don't know why I was singing it." I say, closing my eyes again.

"I want to hear you sing sober." He says quietly, before walking to join Adrien in the river.

Why? Last time I sang openly, was in school choir, and they always told me I would never make it in the music industry. I can't see why he'd want me to sing for him. I sound like a dying cow.

I giggle slightly, remembering the first night when Ansel had sang in the shower.

"You okay?" Loba asks, lifting her head from the towel. She had flipped over, and I decide to do that myself.

"Yeah, just deep in thought." I say, flipping over.

"He's right, you know." She mumbles.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"About you being able to sing." She replies, and I feel myself blush.

"You heard our conversation?" I ask, thinking to the part where he told me I was good at sex.

"Every bit." She smiles smugly.

"Fuck you, Loba." I lay my head on my arms.

"I would, but I'm taken." She says, making me laugh.

I catch myself watching the guys play with a few kids. They had brought a blow up beach volleyball, and they were hitting it back and forth with the kids. I smile as Ansel hits the ball, his face lighting up as he does. One of the preteens poke him, and point to me, staring. Ansel looks up to me, and I don't look away, standing my ground. I watch his mouth move as he replies to the kid. They were close enough for me to read his lips.

"She's my girlfriend." I read his lips move, and the preteen smiles, and nods, replying with, "She's cute." Ansel's face darkens for a moment, before realizing the fact that the kid was joking.

We hadn't made it official yet, nor had we sat down and talked about where we stood. We obviously had feelings for each other and the sex was a-mazing. I know we should talk about it, but I'm still afraid of becoming my father. Ansel had promised that I wouldn't, but how could he know? He doesn't know my past, does he?

The only one that could have told him is Loba, and I doubt she did. I simply shake my head, and go back to thinking happy things.

"Hey, Loba?" I ask quietly. She peeks one eye open. "What do you think about me and Ansel?" She smiles widely, and I already know her answer.

"I love it. We'd all be besties, and we could go out on double dates, and we could watch movies together, and we could go on vacation- oh we've already done that- we could do that thing that couples do-"

"Loba." I cut her off. She looks back to me, smiling slightly.

"Sorry." She says, biting her lip.

"So, do you want to go on a double karaoke date later this week?" I ask, biting my own lip nervously.

"You'd do that? Even with your anxiety?" She asks, her eyebrows creasing worriedly.

"Yeah, I mean, you live with me, and I've gone to karaoke with you. Adrien is the only one who hasn't heard me, and he's like a brother to me." I say quickly, trying not to regret asking my question.

"I'd love to, let's tell the boys once we get home, okay?" Loba asks, and I nod happily.

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