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*takes place when Sebastian was allowed at the school and Alaric was no longer in charge*

Lizzie often found herself after class laying in Sebastian's bed. He had a room to himself. She laid there knowing he would come back any moment.

Sebastian did not ever carry a backpack as he wasn't interested in doing so. Lizzie's backpack laid in the middle of the floor as she stared at the ceiling. Lizzie had become so comfortable with him that she couldn't help herself, but want his attention constantly.

Sebastian opened the door and Lizzie sat up, "it's about time...." she said aggressively. "Elizabeth, you impress me with your distaste in attitude often." He said politely. Lizzie rolled her eyes.

He closed the door behind me and walked towards her. He bent down and placed his hands to cup her cheeks. He gave her a kiss.

He found Lizzie very attractive in her school uniform. The usual long sleeve black shirt with the S logo on it and that very tight, but short skirt. Her black stocks showed off her legs. Lizzie's white Steve Martins were next to the door.

Lizzie pulled away from the kiss quickly. She almost pushed him off. Sebastian wasn't used to Lizzie being this rude towards him. "What's wrong, Elizabeth?" He said no longer kneeling down. He stood looking down at her puzzled by her behavior. She was vibrantly angry with him. "I saw that girl, the girl who tried to steal Landon from Josie talking to you. What did she say to you?" Lizzie demanded her question be answered.

Sebastian sat down to the right of her on the edge of the bed. He took her right hand in his left. "Nothing important. She asked me if I would like to get lunch with her tomorrow." He said. Lizzie felt annoyed by his answer. "I hope you told her no." Lizzie whined. Sebastian almost wondered if she were dealing with a possible episode of some sort.

He smoldered towards her almost chuckling. "Absolutely, You have my word. I could not. My heart is yours, Elizabeth." He said honestly. She seemed to feel happier with that answer. "Mine is yours." She said unsure of herself. As if she were scared to give him her heart completely. Sebastian placed his hand on her thigh gently. Lizzie's eyes met his.

She felt her whole body buzz. Her eyes began darting from his eyes to his lips. She wanted him again. Sebastian kissed her again. She did not pull away. She leaned in harshly. Lizzie felt herself lay down as Sebastian got on top of her.

His right hand traced her bottom lip between kisses. He instinctively pulled his black jacket off along with his shirt. Lizzie took that time to get under Sebastian's royal blue comforter. Sebastian pulled the comforter off her and back over himself. He hovered over her under the comforter. He began kissing her neck roughly. He wanted to bite her neck, but Josie would notice.

Lizzie felt herself become tense. "Sebastian..." her voice trailed off. Her hands were wrapped around the back of his neck. She pulled her hands from his neck and started to unbuckle his belt.

A light knock interrupted them. Lizzie went mute. "Yes?" Sebastian asked. He looked down at Elizabeth with lustful eyes.

"Sebastian?" A girl's voice said. Lizzie sat up quickly. Sebastian looked surprised. She looked at her almost boyfriend and became annoyed again.

Sebastian stood up pulling his black shirt over his torso. He came towards the door looking back at his girlfriend who was not pleased. Lizzie become impulsive. She chanted a spell freezing Sebastian in his path.

She stood up and opened the door slightly. "Can I help you?" She said aggressively. It was the flirty witch that tried to take Landon from Josie. Sebastian watched his girlfriend handling the situation. "I have Sebastian's science textbook." She handed Lizzie the textbook.

Lizzie snatched the book from her and held it in her left hand. She looked at Sebastian and then opened the door enough to step out into the hallway. "I see right through you. I mean, I get it. Sebastian is the most attractive guy here at the Salvatore School. I know you were the girl that tried to get with Landon. Josie told me all about it." Lizzie said talking quickly. She rolled her eyes.

The flirty witch became annoyed with Lizzie's attitude. "I sit next to him during science." She said looking at Lizzie. "Don't tell me you don't have a crush on him." Lizzie raised a brow along with narrowing her eyes.

Lizzie turned around opening the door and shutting it in the girl's face. She was faced by Sebastian standing in front of her frozen. For a moment, she felt ashamed of herself. Lizzie unfroze him as she placed the textbook on his bedside counter.

He looked at his girlfriend. "Was that necessary?" He asked. Lizzie looked ashamed of herself. He nearly thought she might cry from the look on her face. "Elizabeth, must you be so possessive?" He said walking towards her.

She stood with her back to the bedside counter facing him. He walked up to her and cupped her cheeks. "I'm sorry. I didn't even think about how I would make her feel." Lizzie said. Lizzie had acted out due to personal fear of losing him to another girl. Under her confident exterior, she was actually very insecure.

"Where were we?" He said.

"I don't know." Lizzie said. She looked up into his eyes. "You tell me?" She whispered nervously.

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