Goodbye Forever 2

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Lizzie stepped out of the therapists office feeling about the same she had felt all day.

Flat, but extremely irritated. Agitation like no other.

She shut the door loudly behind her and walked through the hall to the lobby.

"I'm going to need an appointment for next week." She said rolling her eyes.

The front desk lady smiled and wrote her a card out scheduling her.

Lizzie snatched the card with her next appointment's date and time.

She opened the door to the proper hallway of the school only to see her sister coming quickly toward her.

Josie looked panicked.

"What's your problem?" Lizzie asked. She narrowed her eyes and then tried to smile. It only turned into a mean grimace.

"Lizzie- it's Hope. She needs our help with an Oizy." Josie rushed her speech.

"You don't have to make monsters up to keep my mind off Sebastian. You are wasting your time, besides Hope can figure it out. She is a hero, why would she even need our help? So if you don't mind, i'm going to bed." Lizzie said while walking to their dorm not before shoving Josie with her shoulder as she walked by her.

"Lizzie, please. A Oizy is a god of anxiety and grief. Who knows what it could do to Hope. She's been through a lot. Do you ever think about anyone other than yourself?" Josie said knowing it was the wrong thing to say.

Lizzie spun around quickly and began coming toward her sister.

"What did I just tell you?" Lizzie said coming overtly combative.

Josie froze becoming guilty of the words that left her mouth. She froze because Lizzie looked like she was going to hit her. 

"I didn't mean that last part." Josie squinted her eyes at her sister looking scared for her well-being.

Lizzie knew not to step closer to her sister. She knew if she pulled one more step toward her in that hallway she would regret it.

"I said I'm going to bed." Lizzie turned back around inches from her sister. She walked back down to the dorm.

An Oizy sounded like a joke to her. Therapy seemed to work for her though as she stepped closer toward her dorm room. She knew not to keep arguing with Josie. She knew to keep her rationality even though, she wanted to take it out on someone, anyone.

She thought about the monster and thought that her existence wasn't needed. Hope always saved the day.  She never did help defeat monsters unless she was feeling normal or slightly hypomanic.

She opened the door to her room and shut it accordingly to her attitude. She'd slammed it shut.

She walked to her bed in her school uniform and got in pulling the covers over her.

You were never good enough.

You can't even be there for your sister.

You were so mean to her.

This is all because Sebastian left you?

You are so weak.

Your sister deserves a better twin.

Her brain was riddled with these sort of thoughts. She turned from on her back to her right side nearly crying. She laid there until she heard a knock on the door.

"Go away! I don't want to see you." Lizzie said irritated.

"Lizzie Bear, I know you don't want to see me, but I'm going to need to come in." Her father's voice rang firmly.

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