Unwanted Trip

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~~ time skip: 5 weeks (tour ended a week ago)~~

POV: Jack

I've been staring at the message on my phone for hours. Debating in my head if I should just get up and get it all over with.

I sigh and roll off my bed and stand up. It's 3am and no one else is awake so it doesn't really matter what I look like.

I walk downstairs quietly to make sure I don't wake anyone up. Grabbing my keys off the hook and going out the door to my car.

I turn on the radio as I start driving, trying to calm the nerves of going back.

20 minutes later I pull up outside the tall apartment building, nervously biting my lip.

I sit in my car staring at the building for a few minutes before getting out of the car, gripping my keys tight in my hand as I walk in and head to the elevator.

I get to the 7th floor and step out of the elevator and find apartment 783.

My keys fumble in my hands as I search for the apartment key I haven't touched in 9 months.

I unlock the door and walk inside, my nerves going crazy as I fight the urge to throw up or cry.

I sigh quietly and walk to the bedroom, my chest tight as I try to breathe calmly.

Paige said the box of my stuff would be in the closet so that's where I head, trying to avoid all other acknowledgment of the room.

I grab the box with JACK written on it in big letters and make a b-line for the door, not wanting to spend any longer in the apartment.

I step outside the apartment, close the door and put the box on the ground before fiddling with the key to get it off the attachment to the rest of my keys.

Finally I get the key singled off and slide it under the door, pick up my box again and head to the elevator again.

I put the box in the passenger seat of my car then get in the drivers seat and put my head back against the headrest.

By the time I get home again it's almost 4:30am, the plan being to just drop the box off in my room then leave again to collect myself before rehearsals.

Unfortunately, Corbyn was awake and saw me carrying the box inside.


POV: Corbyn

As usual, I couldn't sleep for who knows why.

It's only 4:30am and rehearsals don't start till like 10 at least so I just went downstairs to the couch to hang out and waste time.

I thought everyone else was asleep but then I heard the front door unlock and open.

I look at the door from the couch and frown a bit, confused at Jack walking in the door.

He freezes when he sees me and I notice him holding a box.

I get up off the couch and walk over to him.

"Whatcha got there, noodles?" I ask, looking from his face to the box.

"Mmm nothin important" he responds trying to hide the nervous shake in his voice.

I take the box from him and put it on the floor then grab his shoulders and spin him around and out the door again.


POV: Jack

I fight against Corbyns hold on my shoulders and try to get back into the house so no one else finds the box but it's no use and we both know he'll win.

"Corbyn, where the fuck are you taking me?" I glare at him from the passenger seat of my own car as he puts his seatbelt on.

"First stop is coffee, second stop is the beach" he smiles at me before he starts driving to the coffee shop.

I sigh and cross my arms and stare out the window.

"This is the second time I've been kidnapped by one of you, ya know" I mumble to the window.

Corbyn just laughs and continues to drive.

He gets us both coffee and hands me mine as he gets back in the car.

After getting to the beach he practically had to pull me out of the car but finally managed to get his way.

As we walk along the beach drinking our coffees he looks over at me.

"Why'd you go alone J?" He asks sadly.

"I didn't wanna be a bother and I didn't think it'd be too hard. It was just picking up a box from the closet"

"Jack you're never a bother to us and..... wait- you had to go all the way into the bedroom?"

I nod slowly and bite my lip, knowing I wouldn't be able to say another word about my trip to the apartment without breaking down.

Corbyn must have noticed my silence to mean I didn't wanna talk about it anymore so we just walked in silence and watched the sunrise.


We sat on the beach for a few hours and I collected my thoughts on everything and pushed them all away as we drove back home to get ready for rehearsal.

"Thank you" I mumble quietly as Corbyn and I walk to the front door of the house.

"Anytime, but- remember to tell Lena, yeah?" He raises a brow at me to check if I'll do it.

I nod at him and smile a bit at the mention of her then walk inside the house.

The other guys look over at us from the kitchen counter as we walk into the kitchen.

"Where were you two?" Jonah questions us.

"Beach" Corbyn responds, knowing I wasn't in a talkative mood from my trip to Paige's.

Daniel frowns at us, clearly confused but shrugs it off.

"I'm gonna go get ready for rehearsal" I say after grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

As soon as I reach the stairs I hear the kitchen erupt with talking as the guys bombard Corbyn with questions.

I leave him to deal with the boys as I walk upstairs to the shower.

Just before I get in the shower I feel myself ready to break so I grab my phone and call the one person I know would be able to calm me down, Lena.

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