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Has anyone else been getting migraines? Or is it just me because it's been two days and it keeps getting worse .

Anyways enjoy this short chapter because my head is killing me right now .


I don't even have to ask who's laying next to me and taking up all my personal space , seriously I gave him the couch and he crawls up in my bed .

He's like a damn baby always seeking attention

Anyways between us let's be real give up the hopes on going to heaven we are some horny mother fuckers and have so many kinks god be judging us

Especially me but what can I say not everyone can be like me I'm so unique that god kick me out because not even he can handle me .

So what makes you think another male can handle me as well ?

Sometimes life is not fair how come we get to suffer more then males literally we have to deal with pregnancy, periods , mood swings , and stupid headaches

Don't judge me I'm old and I'm embarrassed and I can't even swallow a fuckin pill .

But you know what I can swallow ? Let's keep it pg I don't wanna influence y'all minds more then I already have

Males expect us to cook and clean and do so many shit while they be just chilling no pain what so ever

It makes me sick just looking at them

And with that rampage done I kick him off my bed and see him roll off onto the floor

With a big thump and a "ooouuf" at the end

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" He yells as he gets up

"For being a male and shut up its early in the morning"  I said

"I guess someone is on their per-" I threw a pillow at him and glare


In that moment he realize he fuck up and pick up the pillow

"Sorry I'm sorry" he says

I huff in annoyance

"Go buy me some tampons and bring me my favorite cake and ice cream and some McDonald's and some chocolate and chips"  I said as I go into the shower

"Okay I'll be back" was all I heard once I step in the shower

Once I was done with my business I laid down and try to fall back asleep I have a headache so maybe sleeping it off might help

But soon enough my ears perk up and he enter the room

With some roses and all the things I ask for and made me breakfast

"Here you go I'm sorry I took long I didn't know what size of tampons to get you so I bought all the sizes" he says laying down the roses next to me

"Why are you crying?" He ask

Shoot I didn't even notice I was crying until he wipe my tears off with this thumb

"I don't know" and I started crying even more

He look panicked and was confused for a second until he held me in his arms rocking me back and forth like I was a baby

It made me feel safe and comfortable that I just enjoyed the moment

But my stomach ended up growling killing the moment

"Let's get some food in your stomach baby bird" he whispers and kisses my forehead

I swear I was like a child on Christmas morning when I saw the amount of food be bought me

It can feed the downtown Los Angeles homeless for days or even years

Talking about that I began to dig in the food and the food I'm not gonna finish I'll save it for the week since I don't wanna cook and I wanna be lazy all week just laying in my bed for hours and hours and sleeping

Once I was done with the food he handed me a bottle of Advil's

"Here babe for your cramps" and gave me a glass of water

I swear is this heaven on earth ?

With that I tried key word tried to take them but ended up failing

So he laugh a bit and put the pill in his mouth and kiss me and with his tongue he push it in making me
Swallow it and gave me some water afterwards

"See it wasn't that bad now was it?" He says looking at me with such adoring eyes

I just shook my head and drank more water

"Listen I'll be back later call if you need anything I'll be at work also I'm going to install a refrigerator in your room for when you're on your days you don't have to walk to the kitchen" he says kissing me on the lips

"Okay see you" I said as he walks out the door

I guess I'll sleep in all day .


Who wants a man like hawks I know I do !

Sorry for the short chapter like I said my migraines are killing me right now !!!

Love y'all !

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