Chapter 2 | the email

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Present Day

My hands shook with shock. My computer displayed an email. For the third time, I read it again. It still said the same things. The same words. The same message. Then I screamed.

My step mom came running up to my room in a second. Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun and her eyes were alert for any trouble. I ran up to her and hugged her. She was surprised due to the fact I rarely did that. But her arms came around me anyway.

" You scared me." she said into my hair. I shook my head. Tears were already beginning to come.

" I got it," I whispered. The tears were falling now. Chloe pulled away and looked at me. Her mouth stood agape.

"Is it what I think it is....?" I nodded my head vigorously.

" I got into Merlac!" I exclaimed. She gasped and grinned. We both began jumping up and down. She flicked my nose,

" Now, this definitely needs a celebration!" she said and rushed downstairs. I waited for a minute before she rushed up again. There was a huge cake in her hands that said, Congratulations Sylvia. There was a candle lit on top. I almost began sobbing again.

" When did you make this?" I asked. She winked,

" 2 days ago. I practically knew you'd get into it," she said confidently. My heart warmed. But then I narrowed my eyes at her,

" And what if I didn't?" I inquired. She tilted her head and thought for a while,

" I didn't really think about that." she said. I laughed and blew the candle.

" Don't forget to make a wish." Chloe said softly. But there was nothing to wish for anymore. I smiled. I was content with that.

When my dad came home in the evening,  me and Chloe decided to surprise him a bit differently. We both stood at the door, our faces down. Even when I had the urge to laugh, I kept my emotions sad and blue on my face. Chloe did the same. When he entered the door, he looked at both of us assessingly. He probably knew something was up.

" What's wrong..?" he drawled. I started fake crying. I was pretty good at that.

" I got the email from Merlac.." I sniffled. His eyes widened. And then he pulled me into a hug.

" Oh dear, I'm sorry." he said. But then I started laughing and pulled away. His confused expression made me laugh even more.

" Are you okay?" he asked. I snorted as Vera joined me in the laugh.

" I got in dad. I got the email. And I got in." I said. He stared at me for awhile after putting his hands on his chest.

" Thank goodness! I almost had a heart attack." he said, then he pointed to Chloe,

" And you? You were also in? Do you even-" and he started laughing too. We all laughed. Together. It seemed like old times again. 

But just as I thought of that, my laughter died, and reality hardened in my vision again.

But just as I thought of that, my laughter died, and reality hardened in my vision again

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Nova and I stood in the park. 

It was the next morning and I had told her on the phone last night there was something I had to tell her. Something very important. When I told her about Merlac University she got so excited we both fell because of her hugging. But then, later, silence coated us. We both knew what each other was thinking. Her eyes were beginning to tear up and so were mine.

" Nova" I breathed, " I'm gonna miss you so much." She started crying and hugged me again,

" Don't say that. You'll come back. You'll visit. And anyway, it's only in Los Angeles. Not that far from Boston right?" but then she stopped and sniffled on my shoulder.

" I'm going to miss you too" 

And we both stood there, just tearing up one moment and laughing like fools the next. I just hoped that never changed, no matter how far we were.

 I just hoped that never changed, no matter how far we were

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             No one was in the house when I returned from the meeting with Nova. I supposed Chloe and Dad had gone for their morning run. I didn't prefer being left in the house alone. I, infact hated it. But I had told them to go together. I had to get rid of the fear that the creepy black guy would show up again. 

They didn't even know that a guy had murdered mom. All they knew was mom had burned in the house. The one he set on fire and then threatened me to never tell. I shook my head. Thoughts like those were why I was so constantly afraid. 6 years had gone by. I really needed to get myself together.

 He wasn't going to come back. I needed to focus ahead from now on. Maybe have some fun along the way. Go to parties now. But still study enough. Maybe I could even find a boyfriend. And not focus on that one guy who had never even looked at me. I rolled my eyes.

It was time for college. 

Note: Merlac University isn't a real college in Los Angelos, nor have I based it off one

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Note: Merlac University isn't a real college in Los Angelos, nor have I based it off one. This university is purely procured by my imagination. 

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