Chapter 17 | distraction

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 Sylvia's PoV

My heart was racing. As fast as a man being chased by a cheetah. Or the other way around. It didn't really matter. 

All I knew was that Brady touched me. My skin tingled. I brought my hand up to my upper arm. Rubbing the part softly, I wondered what I had done to deserve this. I never wanted any of this. Even though I could never deny my attraction to him. I took a deep breath. And began running towards the cafe.


The cafe was small with a brown roof. There were almost nonexistent human beings in it. I was glad. I wasn't in the mood for new people. Becca ordered some coffee for all of us. Except me of course. I loved coffee, but couldn't drink so much in a matter of hours.

As they waited for Rebecca to return with their orders, I found myself looking up at the hazel eyed man. I could see his face so clearly now. His jaw as sharp as a model. Dark brown hair that only curled around the ears. 

Goddammit. Was everyone here so gorgeous? I felt like a racoon stuck in a group of peacocks. The guy was huge. My neck strained looking up at his face. I stepped back. His face showed no emotion whatsoever. It sent chills down my spine. Not in the Brady way though. He spoke nothing. 

So I decided to ask.

" Hi. um, I didn't really catch your name." I hoped that was the right thing to say. His whole body was just so intimidating that all I wanted to do was scutter away in fear. He looked down at me.

" James." His voice was deeper and huskier than Brady's. I almost shivered, but managed a small nod. The corner of his mouth slightly tilted up, seeing the effect he had on me. Did he think it was desire? It wasn't. I kept my eye contact and, again, it was like we were having a staring contest. 

Last time with Brady, I lost. 

This time though, I won. I smiled proudly and patted myself silently on the back. 

As he turned, I almost saw a smile on his face.

	We all sat down on a table in the far corner of the cafe

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We all sat down on a table in the far corner of the cafe.

 I sat beside Rebecca and she flung her hand across my shoulders. As if it was a normal thing. Sadness trickled in my throat. The only person that could do that to me had been Nova. I feared that she was disappearing now. 

I understood moving on meant new things and leaving old things behind. But sometimes there are people in your life that stay. No matter how far. Tears threatened to fall. I controlled them. I always did.

When Brady came back, he sat his butt down on the chair right next to me. I didn't realize it had been empty until he sat.

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