Chapter 3 | roomates

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             As I stepped down from the airplane, I felt a gush of air. Finally, fresh air. I only had one suitcase and a huge backpack with me. So I got out of the place in no time. The weather outside was fairly sunny so I was glad to be wearing a short sleeved t-shirt and shorts. It wouldn't have worked in Boston, but Los Angeles was obviously more warmer. And I loved warm weather. But I still missed Boston already.

Finding a cab was hard work. Eventually, after 30 minutes of searching I got one. The problem was that the driver talked too much. Asked too many questions. I rolled my eyes. Fine, if he was a talkative guy, but this was really going off the line.

" You're going to Merlac! That's crazy!"

" Ahhh, I love music too, which type of music do you like?"

" Where do you come from? Oh.. which town?"

" What's your father's name?"

It was a relief to be out of that cab after a while. 

Merlac University was one of the biggest here. It was well known for its arts programs even though the other courses were also perfect. Getting into it required special talents in any subject you wanted to take. Whether it was music, literature, and every single other thing. It wasn't particularly hard to get into, you only had to be passionate about it. I was pretty lucky to be in Merlac..

The dormitory rooms were a bit far from the actual college campus

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The dormitory rooms were a bit far from the actual college campus. A whole separate building was made for that. I had a feeling it was because the parties were intense. I grinned. Even though I don't drink, going to parties really was damn fun. Took away reality for a while. Just like music did for me.

I dragged the suitcase up the stairs as I went through each floor. My key was labeled 502, so I had to climb up 5 sets of stairs. I groaned when I reached my floor. Perhaps I needed to exercise more from now on. Not being able to climb 5 floors was ridiculous, just like my PE teacher used to say. I found 502 and slid my key inside the keyhole. Pushing the door open with my arm, I lifted my suitcase and dumped it inside. After that, I went in and shut the door behind me. The room was really nice. Though it wasn't way too luxurious, it wasn't like a 1 star hotel either. It had that cozy, comfy homey feeling.

 Only then, the bathroom door opened. I jumped at the sudden noise. A girl came out. Her dark brown hair was in a perfect messy bun, if that was a thing. She had a slender physique and gorgeous face with features sharp but nonetheless soft. She smiled a big smile when she saw me and skipped up to me.

" Hi! You must be Sylvia. I'm Rebecca." she said with a husky voice I've always envied. People who had husky and low voices sounded..just cool. I smiled back,

" Nice to meet you Rebecca." I said and shook her hand. My roomate seemed nice. Her dark brown eyes seemed to penetrate right through me. Like she saw who exactly I was inside. The surprising thing was that it didn't make me uneasy.  She starting lifting my suitcase from the ground before I could deny it and situated it beside the closet.

" You can set up your clothes here, whenever you have time. The other half is yours" she said, "And that's your bed. I'm so sorry it's a mess." I looked at the bed she had pointed to. It was covered with papers and wrappers of chocolates. Many many wrappers of chocolates. I laughed. Rebecca shrugged,

" I love chocolates. And the trash is so far away." she said and winked, but instantly started to clean it up. I started to unpack my suitcase and set up my clothes. I didn't bring that many. I wanted to have light luggage, and I could always buy clothes from here. Rebacca though, seemed to have the ultimate treasure of clothes. Her clothes were ones to envy. Designer dresses, jeans, and Gucci belts.

" You can borrow them if you want anytime," she said from behind me. I hadn't realized she was there. I smiled. Even if we had just spent mere minutes together,  I liked her. A lot. 

	My classes started tomorrow

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My classes started tomorrow. So I had plenty of time for the rest of the day to relax. Me and Rebecca got along pretty well. Just as Nova and I used to. 

My heart ached thinking of Nova. What was she doing? Did she miss me too?

 Just then I remembered I had to facetime her when I reached. I had already called dad the moment the plane had landed, but forgot to call my best friend.  Shit. 

I excused myself from Rebecca and called her. The ring kept on ringing. And ringing. At last that small beep sounded.

 Nova didn't pick up. She knew what time the flight could reach. We both had promised we'd talk. 

Why didn't she pick up then? 

I shook my head. I was just being paranoid. She was just probably busy. She'd call me back the moment she saw my missed call. 

I went back to Rebecca who was taking out some gum.

" Want one?" she asked.

" Yeah. Thanks." I told her and put my gum in my mouth.

" Your best friend didn't pick up?" she inquired after a while of silence. I sighed.

 " Yeah." I said. Rebecca nodded and made no comment on that. It made me like her even more. Another moment of silence passed. Then she opened her mouth, 

" I've been invited to a party here. A um, pre-college-celebration thing.  I can bring anyone I want" she said and bit her lip, " Do you want to come?" Then she quickly added,

" I mean it's okay if you don't. You don't look like the girl who would-"

" No, I'll come. Starting a college does call for some party. I deserve it anyway." I interrupted.  "And I'm a tad offended you thought I wasn't the party girl." I said, a bit dramatically. She laughed,

" Sorry. I meant no offence"

I grinned,

" You're forgiven" 

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