Chapter 4 | those blue eyes

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              Rebecca let me borrow one of her dresses for the party, it was a black thigh length with a turtleneck and no sleeves. It looked sexy but wasn't that revealing. It was not too plain, nor too sparkly. I liked it. 

I barely put any makeup on and wore my wavy hair into a high ponytail. Rebecca also demanded I wear her very expensive moon earrings. They looked spectacular. 

By the end, I even thought I looked spectacular. I smiled at myself in the small mirror we had. 

It was time to have some fun.

	The party was just two floors down from our room

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The party was just two floors down from our room. Rebecca said there was an exceptionally big room there, which could be used for anything. We all had access to it. When we reached it, we could hear the music already starting to pump in it. Rebecca pounded on the door hard.

" Forgot the keys" she muttered and knocked hard enough for her knuckles to turn red. Finally, someone opened the door and the sound of music drowned the entire place. The room was indeed huge and had all the necessities, a kitchen counter to transform into a bar, sofas in the middle, a music system in the corner. The guy who had opened the door for us grinned,

" Hey, Rebecca right?" he greeted us, and then looked at me, "And you are...?"

I put on a smile and said,

" Sylvia Hale, Freshman." He nodded and shook my hand. After that, he disappeared into the crowd. There were many people present, which made me glad and anxious at the same time. It was confusing, the feelings I felt. 

I decided not to dwell on that much and followed Rebecca deeper into the party. She was practically dragging me towards the group of people I couldn't see in the center. They looked like the 'popular' group, always at the center of everything. I rolled my eyes. Not that I was completely against them. I just didn't think it would be the same as high school. 

The people around us seemed to be having the time of their life. Drunk, dancing, and making out. I would have fun, sure, but I wouldn't drink. I had decided that for myself in the very beginning of high school. 

When Rebecca stopped both of us, I saw that we had reached an assortment of 3 sofas in the center. A few students sat there, lounging as if they owned the whole university. I didn't see them quite clearly in the blinding lights, but when my eyes were adjusted, they freezed on one person out of them all. My heart thumped with inhuman speed on my ribcage. His dark blue eyes sank into my heart, though his gaze on me had lasted only about a second.

Brady Ashford.

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7 years ago

Nova and I had rounds today. Our class was to go to Mrs. Madonna's class and do some things with them. I was so scared I almost saw goosebumps on my skin. Nova shoved me on the side with her elbow

" Lia" she hissed, " It'll be fine. You look good." I pretended not to hear what she said and subconsciously fixed my hair, though I'd done it 264 times already. 

Brady was in that class. Brady Ashford. 

He was the dream boy any girl could ever ask for. Sky dark blue eyes, and those black strands of hair I could die to run my hands through. He was also tall, and athletic. A natural soccer player. And I had a huge crush on him. 

Well, mostly half of the girls in this school did. The other half had one on his twin brother, Austin. Sure, he was good - looking, but not as much as Brady. Never as much as Brady. No one was. I squeezed my eyes shut. I shouldn't be thinking so much about this. We all quickly assembled into a line and headed to Mrs. Madonna's class.

We were making an ecosystem project today

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We were making an ecosystem project today. After the teacher explained what we were to do, she paired us into groups of 4. I was with Rex, Izzy.....and Brady. My heart almost stopped. Then it began racing so fast I thought I would faint. Nova shoved me in the side again. I gulped and tried to not pay attention to the fact that my teammate was Brady Ashford.

" Liaaaaaaa, it's just for one hour. One hour." Nova said. She used to be the one squealing, whistling and winking when something like this would happen. She grew tired of it after a while. It turned out that my infatuation of him was too much to be normal. And she said it was not healthy to do that. Really though, I didn't see the problem. I was just a 12 year old with a massive crush crisis. . It would go away soon, right?

          I really liked Izzy, she  took control of the whole project without being bossy

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          I really liked Izzy, she took control of the whole project without being bossy. I didn't know her that much since she was one of the many popular and pretty girls in this class. But she was one of the nice ones. Rex just did his job with a lot of complaining. He was from my class but everyone in this entire school knew how much he hated school. And Brady...didn't talk much. I sat across from him and the amount of distance itself made my nerves tingle. He also did his job. But put some suggestions in between without being rude. Gosh. He was just so perfect.

Before I knew it, an hour had passed and we were close to finishing the project. The ring made its declaration and Mrs. Madonna told us we would finish it later. She picked up our projects and made small comments on them. I didn't listen though, since a pair of blue eyes had me under their control again. Again. Why did he have to have such striking eyes?

Such breathtaking blue eyes......

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