Chapter 13 | back to the present

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Brady's PoV 

The moment Austin burst in our room he started dancing. Like a maniac. I guess his date had gone well. Really well.

I sighed as he climbed up on his bed and started dancing there. He was always a goofball. This was ridiculous. I scowled at him. He ignored it, as he always did. His blonde hair flashed around him. Even if we were  twins, there was no limit of how different we were. He began making happy noises. He was talking so fast, I couldn't make out a word. My irritation grew. 

It was 11 o-clock at night, and I had been trying to do my fucking homework. I wondered when the time would come that Austin would stop annoying the hell out of me. I pinched the bridge of my nose. He wouldn't stop until I asked him what happened.

" AUSTIN." I yelled-

" She kissed me!" he blurted out. " I mean I kissed her. Whatever. We kissed. Oh my god. It was so good. She might be the one. I mean it. Really Brades." I was frozen in my seat.  Sylvia had been Austin's date tonight. Right.

Suddenly, I remembered her playing the piano in the afternoon. Her fingers had moved like sparks of fire. Crackling, but in harmony. The music had practically dragged me to her. 

I had to tell her that stupid reason for approaching her. While all I wanted to do was hear her play. And see her face.

 No. Random thoughts weren't allowed. I refused to believe that. 

I shook my head to get free from my thoughts.

" Austin, you say that every single time." I said, raising my eyebrows pointedly at him. He shook his head.

" No. I feel it. I know it. She'll stay, I'm telling you." he started babbling. About how her eyes were so green, they could match the leaves. How her nose, mouth and ears were so perfect. I rolled my eyes. 

It wasn't like I hadn't noticed all of that before.

" Stop. Austin'' I said wearily. I was so tired. So tired of seeing him with different pretty girls. He blinked at me. And stopped. He quietly sat on the bed. I thought he wasn't going to say anything. I kept staring at him until he opened his mouth again.

" One week. One week and I'll prove this one's true." he said so softly, I almost didn't hear him.

 I took in his words. He would prove it, if it was after all real for him. If he felt like she was the one, then he could go ahead. 

But what I really wondered was if Sylvia felt the same. At all. Recalling her words of not being the love type either, I began to doubt she would be the one falling heads-over- heels over my twin brother. Or maybe she needed time. And so did Austin. I sighed, and said,

" Alright."

The morning was as dull as yesterday

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The morning was as dull as yesterday. Everyday was as dull as the day before. It was a Saturday though. At least there were no classes. I turned on the other side of my bed only to be startled by a grinning Austin. 

His eyes were lit up like they had never been. His smile was true. Maybe Sylvia was really different. The thought bothered me a little bit. It shouldn't have. It was time Austin really felt what love was. Not that it always ended in a happily ever after. I was real life proof of that.

My mood darkened even more, but I managed to give a small smile to my brother. He seemed genuinely happy.

Sitting up, I started to reach for my phone. Austin flinged it aside. I bared my teeth at him,

" What the f-"

" Let's play a game of soccer, Brady." he said. Now that was just random. I looked at him incredulously.

" Soccer? Seriously? How?" I growled, still angry he stole my phone.

" There's a field in the back." he said and tossed a soccer ball from the corner I didn't even know existed. My jaws hung open, holding the black and white ball. I hadn't played for months. Austin gave me a crooked smile.

" It's time you stop sulking brother. It's time you come back here." he said. And soccer would help in that?

" I'm already here." I said,

" No you are not. You know that. This is the present. The new present." he said, giving me a pointed glance. " You gotta let it go. She was a bitch."

I swallowed and breathing started to become difficult. He was right though. I do have to let go. I thought I had.

" Let's go." I said standing up. He pumped his fist into the air. I smirked at him, 

 "I'll still beat you though" 

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