Chapter 16 | long ago

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Brady's PoV :)

" Can I talk to you for a minute?"

I didn't even know what I was supposed to ask her. I didn't even know why the hell I stopped her. Before my brain could've functioned, I had just grabbed her hand. I felt like swearing my head off. What was I supposed to say to her? Her green eyes blinked,

" Sure." there was a nervous tinge in her voice. I shuffled through my brain for something to say. Though it was harder when a beautiful pair of emerald eyes looking up to me. 

Gods. Where did that thought come from?

Clearing my head, I spoke,

" I wanted to ask you about my brother. He really kissed you? On the first date?"

Her dark black eyebrow rose up,

" He told you. Then it must be true." Right. Why was I being stupid? I swallowed. They had kissed. Austin wasn't bluffing. I was pretty sure he wasn't, but I just had to confirm it. Why couldn't I think of something smart to say?

" Do you like him?" just as it came out of my mouth, I wanted to disappear. Take me out of existence. Make me a ghost. This girl was really muddling with my brain. She blinked up again at me, astonished with my question.

" He's a good looking guy." she answered. Her voice was tight. Her lips were in that straight line, like they would be if she was annoyed. Of course she was. Austin was one of the hottest guys on campus. Each girl, except some exceptional ones, wanted him. I would've thought Sylvia was one of the exceptional ones. She didn't give me those hook-up vibes. But then, maybe I was wrong.

" No. I mean do you have feelings for him?" Her eyes snapped away from mine. I wanted to command them back to me. But her eyes went anywhere but to mine.

" Does he?" she asked softly. It was my turn to raise the eyebrow.

" Can't you tell?" I tilted my head, " Of course he does." She shook her head,

" Ok, but it's not like it would ever last. So I'm better of.." she trailed away.

" Better off?"

" Not feeling anything serious." she finished. " Or feeling anything at all." there was some guilt in her voice. 

I couldn't blame her. I could tell what she wanted was just some fun from my brother. Just a breath of fresh air. Nothing serious.

I nodded at her. She began to turn her back to me and leave. But I grabbed her hand again. Fuck. Why do I keep doing that?

Her skin was soft against mine. As soft as Leigh's. Who I was absolutely not supposed to think about.

I was getting much better at it though. She came into my mind only once a day perhaps. Maybe even less. She was fading away. And I was fucking glad.

" I just - I, I wanted to ask how you still remembered me from middle school." Did I just stutter? Did the Brady Ashford just stutter right now? She looked up at my eyes once again. They had that fiery look to them, though they were soft. What I really liked about her was that she never let herself be the smaller one. Or the weaker one. Everything about her said small, but dangerous as shit can be.

A small smile graced her face. It looked like a wistful one. I wanted to know what she was thinking about. Though I didn't particularly care.

" I think everyone remembers you." she said, " Soccer prodigy of the school." she said, with a sing-song voice at the end. Her voice seemed nervous, though she desperately wanted to hide it. I could tell. I leaned a bit closer and smirked.

" Really? But Izzy didn't. Until I told her of course." She took a step back.

" Maybe...I have a better memory?" her breath tickled my face. She smelt of mint and pine. 

Intoxicating. So intoxicating.

" Or...maybe you had a teeny tiny fifth grade crush on me." The words came out of my mouth involuntarily. Again. 

 I wasn't supposed to blurt that out. Her face changed. The smile disappeared. So did my smirk. She broke eye contact and fumbled with her hands. Stepping away, she cleared her throat.

" Let's just go get some coffee." she muttered. Her black strands flew into my face as she turned and walked away.

As she ran towards the cafe, I allowed myself to grin. I threw my face up and let the sun kiss it.

So she did like me. Back then.

Her fumbling hands, her darting eyes, and her face said it all. She was like an open book to me. Somehow, the thought made my heart tug. In the good way. And the fact that I hadn't known her back then irritated me.

I shut my eyes tight. Opened them.

And swore into the sky. 

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