Chapter 9 Moving To L9

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The boys gathered all their things and walked down a long hallway, at the hallway they were taken into an elevator. A man in a stiff starched uniform punched the number 14 and the elevator lurched forward and the lights went off on each floor and a bell dinged untill the Elevator stopped on the 14th floor. The doors opened and the boys could not believe what they saw: the walls were all painted with cartoon characters, there were boys and girls of all ages in diapers and t-shirts, the only thing that was really different was the boys were wearing white diapers and the girls pink.
Anthony saw a pretty girl, he was laying on the floor playing with some blocks and Barbie dolls. Anthony was immediately Smitten by her and went over to say hi.
"hi" Anthony said, his manhood standing straight up.
Anthony looked at her she was wearing a pink T-shirt and a pink diaper she had small but noticeable boobies and immediately Anthony wonder if she was still a virgin.
" hi my name is Sandra"
They held hands and he sat down and started playing with her, playing blocks. All the time his manhood was standing up rock hard in his diaper.
As soon as no one was looking Sandra leaned over and kissed Anthony square on the lips.
Anthony smiled, this was awesome he thought.
As soon as no one was looking again, they kissed again. This went on for three times in untill the fourth time. When no one was looking they grasped each others hand tightly and snuck into the handicapped bathroom. Anthony kissed Sanda passionatly, slowly removing her t shirt. She responded by taking his t-shirt off.
They looked at each other and then lowered their diapers, exposing their naked adolescent bodies to each other.
There was a large cot in the bathroom, with white cotton sheets. Anthony led Sandra over to the bed. They sat down on the side of the bed and looked into each others eyes.
" Anthony" Sandra began
" what is it"
" I.... I... I..." she stammered
" what" Anthony asked
" I'm still a virgin"
" are you a virgin"  Sandra asked, with moistness in her eyes.
Anthony decided to lie, besides he was too embarrassed to tell the truth about how he had really lost his virginity.
" yea I am" he said lowering his head
Anthony smiled slightly, as he had kind of expected sandra was a virgin.
He kissed Sandra on the lips
" that's ok I will be gentle"
Sandra smiled and got Into the bed, the crisp white cotton sheets felt great against her soft skin.
Anthony took a condom from a case of condoms on shelf and slid it on his burgeoning manhood. Sandra smiled at him a tight smile and opened her legs wide. Anthony got on top of her and tried to penetrate her, it took 5 tries before he was able to put himself inside of her. Sandra cried as she was de flowered. Anthony shot a huge load into the condom. Filling it full. He rolled over onto the bed beside her and smiled.
God that felt awesome. Anthony tried to look and feel nervous like it was his 1st time, he wasn't sure how convincing he was, truth be told he was nervous, this was going to bed with a girl he wanted to go to bed with, not just sex so he could loose his virginity.
" we gotta get dressed before anyone misses us"
They kissed passionatly and grabbed diapers from the shelf in the room.
Sandra picked a pink diaper off the shelf and quickly re diapered herself as Anthony re diapered him self with a white diaper.
They look carefully out the door to make sure there was no one around and then snuck out the door closing it quietly. They continue to hold hands until they got back to the main room up before they when is the main room again they kissed passionately.
They were able to get back with out being missed.
Anthony sat down on the floor in  front of some other boys smiling.
" hey dude what's up with you"
" Sandra and I just did it in the bathroom"  he whispered
" your not a virgin"  three  boys said at once whispering
" yeah"
" congrats"
We all continued to play on the floor, we decided to go along with it, in hopes of getting out  sooner.

5 minutes later

" OK everyone it's snack time"
A plump lady who looked like the female version of the pilsbury dough boy came out with a tray of snacks, but to everyone's disappointment it was fresh fruit, celery and orange juice. There was also deviled eggs.
After snacks was school, we were hered into a classroom, still in Tshirts and diapers, which I thought was a bit embarrassing I couldn't get rid of the huge bone I had, and there were so many pretty girls.
School was boring as always and I was glad to be over.

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