Chapter 17- Starting A New Life

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After signing some paperwork the boys were all given new first and last names and were whisked off to the airport when they were put on a plane for the West Coast. The boys looked out the window of the airplane they couldn't believe they were actually leaving this the only city they'd ever known.. For.. they didn't exactly know where.
Hours later the boys arrived at the airport and were met by a lovely family name the hunters. They had two boys of Their Own and the boys would all be living in one very large room in bunk beds. After the obligatory hugs and kisses and and introduction the boys were whisked off in the hunters minivan away from the airport. The boys look back for a moment at the Boeing 747 that took them across the country and away from that horrible place they were in. Before going home they stocked up at a local Walmart with clothes for the boys since they didn't bring any clothes but the clothes on their backs. Underwear socks t-shirts jeans and pyjamas this is the thing the boys have never had to wear was pyjamas to bed but their new family the hunters were insistent that all the boys wear something to bed and not underwear and t-shirts so the boys all picked out baggy sweats and sweatshirt so they could wear his pyjamas and that was acceptable.
The minivan drove down a Long Street to a large Bungalow house at the end of a Long Street. The boys all got out and looked with Wonder at their new home. Mr. And mrs. Hunter went in the front door and that's where the boys met Sean and Jeff Hunter their new brothers. The boys each took their new clothes down the centre of carpeted stairs into the basement where their bedroom was. It was a large 18 x 30 room with bunk beds for each of the boys. After each of the boys picking on a bunk bed they sat down to get acquainted.
Sean and Jeff were 12 + 14 and we're fascinated by the store that the boys had to tell them about their life before they arrived here.
The boys found out that Sean and Jeff we're both virgins but had come close to having sex with a girl but didn't go all the way.
The boys found out that Sean and Jeff didn't even know how use condoms so they had to use a cucumber to illustrate a how to roll a condom on to your manhood so you don't get a girl pregnant.
One night about 2 weeks into there stay the boys arranged for 2 girls to sneek in so sean and jeff could loose their virginity, they decided it was about time that their virginity had to go.
At 10:45pm Eric answered the rec room door and two very cute 14 year old girl stepped inside Allison and Andrea.
"hey mike"
" hey jeff"
" we decided it was time you lost your virginity, so we snuck in a couple of girls"
Mike and jeff smiled they were really finally going to lose their virginity.
" why don't you boys first strip down to your underwear we'd like to see what you got"
Mike and Jeff quickly took off their pyjamas t-shirts and were standing in only their white Fruit of the Loom briefs both very much erect. Allison Andrea giggled there was quite a lot of manhood there.
"ohhhhhh.. Tighty whity boys"
Mike and jeff winced, it was their parents choice not there's
Allison took Jeff by the hand and they sat down on Jeff's bed. Jeff began to strip Allison. Soon Allison was sitting in her white bra and panties. Jeff un hooked her bra and began to feel her pink boobs. Meanwhile Allison pulled down Jeff's white breifs, feeling his long pink manhood.
Allison gave jeff a blow job and hand job, afterwards she took out a condom and rolled it on his errect manhood.
Jeff nervously kissed her on the lips, sweating, Allison got into his sleeping bag and opened her legs. Jeff got on top of her and slowly inserted himself inside her. He went right inside her and started to move inside her, right away he felt himself filling the condom with his seaman.
Meanwhile mike and Andrea had decided to skip the preliminaries and were allready in bed together.
Both mike and jeff thought the same thing at the same time
" ok change" Andrea said
Andrea and Allison got out of the beds they were in and switched beds.
After that was all over, mike and jeff had not only lost their virginity, but had 2 girls in bed.
After mike and Jeff we're done they stood up in front of the girls in their tighty whities their manhood much smaller now but both smiling since they were now officially non-virgins. They had officially become men and they were so happy. Mike and Jeff were on the Middle School hockey team and they were the last of the members of a team to lose their virginity and we're getting a lot of crap from the other guys.
The other boys congratulate them on their momentous achievement of losing their virginity and the girl smiled broadly. They were known around the school to have slept around with quite a few boys and helped quite a few lose their virginity in and out of the school. On the third floor of the school in a washroom the end of one hallway it was often used for sexual Liaisons between boys and girls at the school the girls standing in the stall with the boy and pulling down her pants and panties and the boys sliding down his pants and underwear and doing it standing up. Many a boy lost their virginity at the school in the bathroom stall.
The boys ask the girls if they could stay overnight and they said they could but they would have to leave by about 7 a.m. before the parents woke up. With that the other boys stripped down to their underwear. Andrea and Allison grinned gleefully they had never seen so many boys wearing just tighty whities in their life and it was awesome. They themselves had been with several boys who were tighty whity boys including their brothers whom they helped to deflower over a year ago. Allison and Andrea's Brothers told all of their friends whom they lost their virginity to and Allison and Andrea help them lose their virginity as well so the two of them were quite experienced by this time.
So far each of them had been with at least 8 or 9 different boys, so this was more boys they could put on the list that they had helped lose there for virginity.

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