Chapter 12- That Night And Then We Got Busted

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At 9pm the boys and the girls went to their dorms. Each dorm was massive with 8 double beds, at present 7 were filled. Each of the beds had matching sheets and pillowcases (white), all the boys wore white t-shirts and breifs ( also a rule) and pjamas were also a rule, all the boys wore light blue pill up bottoms and button down tops.
Off the boys dorm was a bathroom and mass shower. Lights out was 10 p.m. and that was strictly enforced.
The Boys all laid in bed, the topic of sex came up ( as it always does)
There were discussions about who had done what with who, ect when there was a bang on the door.
" this is the Ice ( internet child exploitation) unit, open the door we have a search warrant, open the door"
Suddenly the glass of the front doors of the office shattered into a million peices and dozens of heavily clad officers stormed into the building opening doors and arresting boys and girls still in their pajamas.
The Boys were all taken out in their pajamas as dozens of men gathered evidence.
The Boys were loaded into one van, the girls the other and were all whisked away to night court downtown in the juvenile section of the court house. They all looked through the bars on the glass as the city flew by untill the truck backed into a back service entrance and they were all headed off the truck and into a holding rooms untill their case was called.
45 minutes went by and finally the doors were opened and the boys first and then the girls were headed into night court.
"docket number 454855jb120"
"the charges are under sections 121.5 a to f, 487.220,558.3,877.9,444.4 and 581.75"
The judge looked at the docket sheet was surprised that was a heck of a lot of charges but thankfully she didn't have to try this case this was just the arraignment.
" what are the people looking for on bail?"
" 250,000 per defendant"
" that's outrageous judge, these are minors" the defence attorney screamed indigently
The judge looked down at the defence lawyer who was now red in the face with anger.
" cool your jets councellor"
" the defendants are all remanded to custody, no bail"
She banged his gavel and all the teens were removed from the courtroom.
The teens were all taken in elevators to youth detention where they were processed and locked in cells. 3 to a cell.
A few hours later lawyers came and spoke to each one of the defendents, advised them of their rights and spoke to them after speaking to the district attorney. Each one one of them they were facing a mandatory 5 year sentence at the BMU ( behavioral modification unit) a separate unit that is changes behavior.
4 days later they all appeared in court to face the judge. After the l hour hearing and the judges filing the usual motions that were all denied.
The judge finally spoke;
" I find each of these defendants guilty and I Sentence them to a term of imprisonment of 5 years in the BMU"
The judge banged his gavel and court officers took the defendants back into custody.
They boys were loaded into a long yellow school bus, the doors shut and the engine sputtered but finally lurched forward out of the courthouse parking lot.
The bus lurched down the busy city streets to.... Who knew where, only the driver knew.

after driving for 2 hours the bus turned into a lon g drive way with high solid stone walls, a man in a tight heavily starched suit opened the heavy, rusted gates and chugged into the grounds. the walls were 15 feet high and solid rock with 4 guard towers. the boys looked out the window and they couldnt believe what they saw, their were teens from 10 to 16 playing in the huge yard, under the watchcfull eyen of guards all of them wearing diffrent color footed pjamas.
They were all taken off the bus and grouped in 4s.
After being processed, they were taken into a big room and to strip down to their underwear.
" OK take all your clothes off" a man in a stiff starched suit said, his name tag reading Bundy.
The Boys all Complied, standing there butt naked sure this Mr. Bundy charecter was getting a cheep thrill seeing us naked.
" OK March"
The Boys all Marched naked down a long hallway, into a room marked 222.
The Boys saw there were 4 metal tables, the walls were covered with cartoon characters, the walls painted light blue.
" first thing you all need to do is take this. A woman named Mrs. Butterworth gave each boy a small glass of water with a cup of 3 large blue pills.
" what are they? "
" never mind just take them "the women said impatiently
The Boys all took the 3 pills and gulped down the water.
" now it's time to get you all re-dressed.
Mrs. Butterworth looked at each of the boys and smiled. Such manhood in front of her. She wondered how many were sexually active.
Mrs. Butterworth took a shaver and shaved each of the boys, so they were totally bare.
The boys looked at her incredulously, their pubic hair was the most important part and now it was laying on the floor in a pile.
" boys in diapers don't need them"
The boys looked at her, not again.
The boys were all laid on a metal table, their manhood standing straight up in the air.
Mrs. Butterworth diapered each of the boys expertly, making sure the diaper was tight around their hips and snug.
The boys all stood up and looked at each other and grimaced.
"now March" she commanded
The Boys all Marched slowly down a long hallway, wearing only diapers and white t-shirts. Some of the teenage inmates stood at the bars of their cells to watch, several female inmates gawked as the cute boys walked by, staring at their padded butts.

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