Chapter 22- The Job Interview And starting to sell drugs

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Derek went with dean down a long and roll of boarded-up houses to the last one. They carefully walked up a broken set of Stone steps and up 3 flights of stairs and were geeted by a tall lanky african american man in a white turle neck Sweater and long leather jacket.
" hey"
"hey" dean
"i want you to meet someone i just met, says he needs a job"
"whats your name" the tall man asked
"Derek" he began slowly
" and how old are you derek"
The man nodded thoughtfully
"Derek" he began
" do you get high"
Derek knoded his head slightly
" good" the man said
" 'cause if you want to be one of us, you cant get hooked on any of that crap"
Derek knoded his head again thoughtfully.
" so tell me Derek" the man began
" what brings you to here and needing this job"
Derek told the man his story he told him everything including about the fact that he got his girlfriend pregnant and that he and his girlfriend got kicked out of the house by their parents and they were on the street. Derek told the man that he needed to start providing for his pregnant girlfriend and that's why he needed the job. The man looked at Derek thoughtfully hanging on his every word.
"well" the man began
" we will give you a tryout, you can learn more about us, and we will learn more about you"
" but if you do decide to join us know who your friends are and you'll make a lot of money"
Derek looked at the steely eyed black man in from of him and a cold sweat ran down his back.
" so what do you do"
" we in the buissness of giving the losers what they want, and right now they really want cocaine"
Derek looked at Dean for a moment concerned but knew he didn't have a choice he had to support himself and his pregnant girlfriend.
"stay with dean, he'll show you the ropes"
Derek nooded and smiled
The manhanded Dean a small canvas bag and they left together. Out on the street the city was beginning to come to life, a blood red son had begun to peek over the skyscrapers downtown shining down on everybody and Dean and Derek began to sweat profusely the humidity was becoming oppressive.
They walked out into the subway and caught the number five train uptown. On arrival they were directed to number 17 State Street a large and stately building the two boys walked into the building and went up to the 7th floor it was an office of a law firm Sullivan Sullivan and Sullivan and were directed to one of the offices to drop off the package to one of the lawyers. Upon collecting the money the boys headed back out onto the street. The boy stuck the money in their backpack and got back on the number five train to see their main man drop off the money and get their next assignment.
After making four or five drops all over the city the boys all went back at the abandoned building with their main man.
" you all did very well" the man intoned
" now it's time to move on to the second part of the operation"
" first grab a sandwich and a drink and  take a break"
The boys all sat down  and ate, swapping stories and resting.
At 1pm ottis the man man said
" OK it's time to get back out on the street and get back to work"
The boys were sent out in pairs to deal drugs on different street corners. They started at 1pm, after a break, a sandwich and a cold drink.
Derek went with a boy who just went by the name sully, Derek thought it was short for Sullivan, but he wasn't sure and he sure wasn't going to ask.
They went to the corner of 35th and 1st avenue, a dingy street corner populated by the homeless, they were small there were several small time corner stores in the area and a porno theatre showing gay porn. The street was littered with garbage newspapers and drug paraphernalia. Derek and Sully began their nightly routine of selling drugs by 8 p.m. they had sold out their supply for the day and we're back on the train the with the others. Once they were back at the abandoned building were they lived they settled up for the night returning the unsold drugs and cash for the drugs if they had sold and getting paid.
Dean and Derek said good night and went there Separate Ways. Derek went back to the small dingy apartment block where he and his girlfriend were staying and gave the manager his daily rent money. What was left over Derek ordered pizza for dinner for him and his pregnant girlfriend.
They ate in silence, and then turned in for the night. After stripping off her clothes they crawled into bed on either side and fell into a deep sleep.
The alarm clock went off at 7:30 a.m. and Derek and his girlfriend began to wake from there deep sleep.
" good morning" he said smiling at her"
" hey"
Derek kissed her on the lips passionately there  naked bodies pressed against each other Derek's manhood just shy of his girlfriend's open slit.
His girlfriend smiled but pushed him away.
" baby you gotta get ready for work"
Derek reached over onto the floor and started quickly getting dressed. He kissed his girlfriend goodbye one more time and then headed out the door as she turned on the TV set to watch The Morning News.
It was still dark as Derek left, his coat wrapped around his body, his hair dirty and disheveled again to shiver in the cold morning wind.
Derek entered the front door, all the other employees were already there and the boss was handling out the morning assignments;picking up money from sucker's who ordered drugs from him. Derek got his assignment; he had to go all the way up to 229th Street and and 99th street, that was a 45 minute ride on the subway, but Derek didn't care.

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