Chapter 14 - The Great Escape

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After lunch was over the boys were walking back to their cells when they saw a food delivery truck parked at the loading dock.
" hey you guys, this is our way out of this place, in the back of the food truck"

the boys nooded and crept out the back of the loading dock. after hiding in the back, covering themselves with a green tarp they waited for the truck to move. 15 minutes later the truck coughed and weezed and then seized forward, finally moving through the grounds and out the high metal gates of the center.
The truck drove out the metal gates and the boys smiled at each other, they were finally free.
The truck drove on for what seemed like an eternity, untill the boys could hear the sounds of the city all around them.
The truck stopped at a gas station and the boys decided to make a run for it. Quietly climbing out of the back of the truck, the boys raced across the parking lot, still dressed in footed pjays and diapers.
The Boys races single file across a large parking lot and onto a large ajoing field. The boys ran so fast that they all fell down in the tall grass giggling and laughing,


" so what do we do now" dean finally asked
The Boys looked at each other, not having planned that far ahead.

" I think we should first get out of these clothes, so we don't stand out" Anthony said finally

The Boys all agreed that was a good idea.
About 75 yards from where they were, over a rolling hill was a large house. A long line of clothes was hanging on the line of all sizes.
" we could snatch some of the clothes and ditch these" Anthony said pointing to his footed pyjamas.
The Boys all agreed and it was a good idea and after waiting 5 minutes to make sure that the coast was clear, rushed to the clothes line, grabbing what ever clothes they could.
They all ran over another hill and into an aljacent barn, all of them falling into the soft hay.
The boys stripped naked, ripping the diapers off themselves and drying themselves off with the pjays.
The boys took a moment to admire themselves but naked now but free of the shackles of their past. They quickly dressed with the clothes that they were able to steal and now look more like teenage boys then babies. Anthony peered out of the barn and looked around quickly making sure there was nobody around. Il
as soon as he knew the coast was clear the boys all made a break for it. They ran as fast as they could, sprinting block after block untill neighter the truck that took them to freedom or the farm house was in sight. They stopped and smiled at each other, exchanging high 5s and slaps on the back.
But now... What... They were with out homes.
" hey" Anthony began
" I think I can hook us up with jobs"
" I know a guy who works the corner of 8th Avenue and 2nd Ave.
The Boys snuck out from around the farm house, checking left and right.
" go "
The Boys made a break for it again, running as fast as they could. After running nearly 3/4 of a mile at full speed they stopped. They were now well and truly free.
They started to walk slower, looking around every so often, they felt as though they had been locked up so long, now every thing was new and life had so much potential.
They walked for what seemed forever finally arriving at a gas station. On one side of the gas station was a large truck that was going to the city ( they hoped).
One by one they ran to the back of the truck and jumped in the back, covering themselves with blankets. In the truck they found that it was full of clothes for teenage boys, underwear, socks, t shirts, jeans and high top sneakers. Each of the boys helped themselves to some new clothes. Upon a bit more searching they found large hockey bags, one for each of them. They each filled the hockey bags with as much as they could.
Soon each of the boys had several changes of clothes, including several pairs of new high top sneakers.
The Boys looked out the back of the truck and when they saw the coast was clear made a bee line for the 7 subway station. Jumping over  the turnstile the boys stood on the  platform. 
The subway whizzed into the station and the boys quickly bordrd the train.
The got off at 88th Street and 1st Avenue. Back on the street the boys looked  around, Anthony spied  his  contact he knew from the streets.
Anthony walked confidently to him.
" hey"
"Anthony" the  man said with his thick Russian accent
" how it going?"
" OK I guess, listen me and my friends just broke out of jeuvie detention and we really need jobs and we'll work hard, promise"
The man, who didn't look like much, was actually highly connected all the way up the ranks of Russian organized crime, being a major crime boss in the city sent from Moscow to  set up the mob in the city.
" OK" he said with his thick Russian accent
" I give you and your buddies try out, but"
He said said sticking his finger In his face
" don't you try and fuck me around  or you know I kill you"
Anthony knooded and  shook his hand to signal he had a deal.

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