Chapter 2

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My eyes fluttered open to the males arguing again.

"Now you've done it you prick, you knocked down the building and nearly killed a girl!" The male who had noticed my presence growled.

I slowly sat up, not wanting to draw their attention, I failed as both of their eyes snapped to me.

I was startled to find myself on a bed, thankfully still in my clothes. I pushed myself up and slowly backed away.

The male who had knocked the building down opened his mouth, but another male winnowed in front of them both, his back to me. I froze mid step.

"Well done Cassian you have been banned from Summer for the rest of your life," the new male sighed.

"The building was going to be demolished anyway, what is the big deal, I saved them a job," the male, Cassian snapped.

"A young girl was living there, packing the last of her things up so she could move, you killed her!" The new male yelled.

They thought I was dead. I could start again.

"She isn't dead Rhys," the male who's name I did not yet know said, pointing at me, where I was now pressed against the wall behind me.

The new male turned, and our eyes met. I felt like I knew him, in my bones, my forbidden magic purred under his gaze, but I shoved it down, far down.

"What's your name?" He asked me gently.

I was too terrified to reply, I was more focused on keeping my power away and my legs under me.

"Come, I'll take you back to Summer," he said, stepping forwards and offering me his hand but I jolted back, forgetting there was a wall there and slamming my head into it.

"We can take you back home," the nameless Illyrian said, placing a hand on Rhys's shoulder.

"I have no home, I'm a bastard and an orphan, I was lucky enough to have the library, you should have left me to die in that building, the last of my home is now buried under the rubble," I snapped.

I didn't know what came over me, but the thought of my things being gone forever broke what was left of my already shattered heart. First mother, now Mrs Walters.

My hand instinctively travelled to my neck, my thumb running over the small pendant sat at the hollow of my throat. The last piece of my mother left now that my box was buried.

"I haven't seen someone get mouthy with you in a long time Rhys, this should be fun," Cassian laughed.

I froze, I was so completely screwed, they were going to kill me, and that was only if I was lucky. I should have run as soon as I saw them.

"You're freaking her out!" A female voice snapped from the door behind the three males.

They all turned, and I saw the source of the voice, a stunning female with cascading blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes was stood there, arms crossed.

"Don't mind them, they can't help being menacing, let's get you some food," the female said with a slight smile in my direction.

She walked over and gently gripped my hand, leading me out of the room and down stunning moonstone corridors.

She sat me on a low backed sofa, placing herself next to me and summoning food with a click of her fingers.

"I'm Mor by the way, I'm sorry Cassian and Azriel practically kidnapped you, neither of them know what to do with an unconscious female so they brought you to me." She explained, putting a selection of food on a plate and passing it to me.

"I guess it's better than being dumped on the street," I muttered.

"You don't look like you are from the Summer Court, your eyes hold a tint of purple but are the only real Summer Court aspect of you," she mused, looking me over.

"My mother was from Summer, but my father was from Night, she never really told me about him, even on her death bed she refused. All I know of him was the court he was from and that he had wings, so I'm guessing Illyrian," I admitted with a small sigh.

"Wouldn't surprise me, the Illyrians are awful," Mor admitted.

"Why thank you Mor, it warms my heart to hear that," Cassian's voice drawled from behind us.

I stiffened as all three of them walked round and sat on other sofas around the room.

"You don't need to fear us, we aren't like them," the male without wings, Rhys, reassured.

I tilted my head to the side a little as I studied all of them, Rhys last, my magic leapt in response to his gaze.

I gasped at the force of it and stood abruptly, backing away from him, could he feel it too?

"Hey, what is it?" Mor asked gently.

I just mutely shook my head, begging my magic to remain under my skin. Of course the one time I needed it to do something as a matter of life and death was the time it ignored me.

Darkness seeped from my skin, pulling me towards Rhys even though I fought it. He was stood now, watching as I wrestled with my magic.

I fell to my knees under the pressure, the darkness rolling off me in waves, what was happening to me?

"Easy, just breathe," Rhys's said gently, kneeling in front of me, so close our knees were less than an inch appart.

I couldn't, I kept this part of me contained for so long, the part of the Night Court I couldn't get rid of.

A finger hooked under my chin and lifted my gaze until I met his eyes. He looked concerned, something I wasn't expecting.

"Listen to me, you need to reel the darkness back in or it will kill you, I can help but it has to be you." He told me, letting go of my chin.

I almost laughed, I had considered ending my life many times over in the past week, and now I could someone who I only met today was stopping me.

"Don't you ever think about doing that," Rhys half snarled.

I jolted away from him, did he just read my mind?

The magic that had been seeping out of me until now all snapped back in, attacking me until I screamed.

A new kind of darkness attacked, pinning my magic down as I screamed and writhed on the floor. Rhys appeared above me, crouching down with a sad look in his eye.

He placed one hand to the side of my head and sleep gripped me, pulling me under. 

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