Chapter 5

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She opened a door to reveal Rhys alone in a room, staring over the city. He turned when he heard us.

"Are you ok?" He asked me, walking over.

"I'm fine, I just overreacted." I muttered.

"Azriel was the one who overreacted, he heard you talking about the beauty of Velaris and assumed the worst, he can't help it, he has seen what we all sacrificed to keep this city safe, that being said he shouldn't have burst in like that." Rhys explained.

"Is it strange to say that I was talking to water?" I asked quietly.

"Not at all, Cassian talks to his mirror," Mor said, attempting to lighten the mood.

"In the short time I have known him that somehow doesn't manage to surprise me," I chuckled.

"My mother had a tattoo on her lower back, I think she knew of this place and made the same deal I did." I whispered, looking out over the city.

"She did," Rhys said softly, my eyes snapped to him.

"What?" I breathed.

"I found your mother after she was dumped in the middle half dead by her family. I took her here, similar to what I did for you, and we made the deal. One thing lead to another, and some things happened, she left after that, she received word that her father was dead, so she went back home," he explained.

"Show me your wings," I whispered, I was clicking now.

Mor's eyes went wide but he stood, shadows curling over his shoulders until they solidified into wings.

"Well now I know why my power likes you so much," I muttered.

"Is it ok?" He asked, looking worried.

"I've gone from being a bastard born nobody to being the daughter of a High Lord, I'm not sure what to think," I admitted.

He walked over slowly, obviously not wanting to startle me before he pulled me against his chest, wrapping his arms around me and curving his wings to cover us.

I instinctively wrapped my own arms around his waist and buried my head into his chest.

"I won't let anything happen to you, I will keep you safe, and love you unconditionally," he whispered into my hair.

Mor let out a squeal and pulled me out of Rhys's arms and into a hug of her own.

"Welcome to the family!" She said, jumping up and down.

"Thanks," I replied with a laugh.

"Come and meet the others," she said, winnowing us away.

I stumbled as I landed but Mor caught me.

"Cassian and Azriel you already know, then this is Amren, she's tiny, old and grumpy," she told me, gesturing to a black haired, silver eyed female.

She wasn't that small, only shorter than me by about an inch.

I watched her, tilting my head to the side a little as I took her in, she seemed to radiate a type of power that I hadn't seen before, and her eyes swirled!

"I like her," she eventually declared.

The room seemed to relax as I was pulled onto a sofa. I kept my gaze away from Azriel to keep my power under my skin, even though I knew Rhys would save me from myself.

"So, you sired a child Rhysand, well done," Amren said, turning her gaze to him.

"Thank you for the approval Amren, though it really isn't necessary." He told her with a smirk.

"Watch your tone boy," she warned.

"You know what Amren, I think I like you as well," I told her, she gave me a devilish grin.

"Mother help us," Cassian muttered, we both glared at him.

"Come girl, I want to show you something," she said, standing.

"I don't think so," my father cut in.

"I don't need your approval Rhysand, now come on girl, we don't have all day." She snapped back at him.

I stood and followed her outside. Once we were out of the front gate, she gripped my wrist and winnowed us away. 

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