Chapter 12

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"Selene!" Cassian yelled, scooping me into his arms before I had a chance to get my bearings.

"I missed you too big guy," I laughed.

"I'm so glad you are back here, with us," he told me, not letting go.

"Cass, I can't breathe," I squeaked as his grip tightened.

"Right, sorry," he said as he let me go, only for Az to scoop me into his arms.

"No sweet words from you Az?" I teased.

I felt his laugh vibrating though me as his wings tucked around us. I knew the gesture alone said more than physical words so I savoured to moment for as long as I could.

Once he let me out of his embrace, I looked around the room, we were all here, dad, Amren, Mor, Cassian and Azriel.

"Come on, lets spent some time together, I could cook something like old times," I said, my tone hopeful.

"Ok kiddo let's go to the kitchen then," Cassian laughed.

I led the way and they all settled at the breakfast bar while I had a look for ingredients.

"Want would you like?" I asked over my shoulder.

"You make the best chili Lena, could you make that?" Mor asked, eyes wide and pleading.

"Ok," I told her with a laugh as I got the things I would need.

We spoke while I cooked, talking about anything and everything other than the last fifty years.

'If you can hear me, I just wanted to let you know that I am ok, and that I would love for you to visit me for a picnic at some point,' Feyre's voice echoed in my mind.

I jumped and burnt my hand on the pot.

"Mother's tits that hurst," I gasped, rushing to run my hand under cold water.

"You never burn yourself, what happened?" Dad asked as Amren took over cooking on my instruction.

"Feyre told me that she was ok and that I should go over and have a picnic with her soon," I told him, drying my now cool hand off.

Mor healed the burn mark before I went back to cooking.

"Does Tamlin know you can talk with each other?" Amren asked with a frown.

"I don't know, I've never really spoken to him, I told her to yell into her mind if she ever needed me and I set up a tunnel just in case anything were to happen, I don't trust the Spring Court." I explained.

'I'm glad you are ok Feyre, and that the tunnel works, I would love to spend the day with you, but I don't get along very well with your High Lord, court feuds and all that, so as long as he isn't there I'm down.' I said back.

'He's hardly ever home anyway. How does sometime next week sound?' She instantly replied.

'I look forward to it, I need to ask Rhys about various things first but I'm sure he will be fine with it.'

'We can set a day and time next week, then I will know when Tamlin isn't around,' she said before I felt her cut the connection.

"She doing, ok?" Rhys asked.

"Yeah, I'm meeting with her next week when Tamlin isn't there," I told him, he nodded.

"I know you can look after yourself love, but please be careful, and take a dagger just in case, and maybe train with Cassian at least." He rambled.

"Dad!" I exclaimed, cutting him off.

"I'll be fine, don't worry, I know you do because I'm your daughter, I will take a dagger and train with Cassian every morning if that would make you feel better about me going, ok?" I asked, letting the mince cook while we spoke.

"Ok love, just a couple training sessions with Cass will be fine, but please do at least one," he asked, I nodded before telling them all to scram to the dining room.

I keep a stash of spiced lambs blood for Amren, so when I cook, she doesn't feel left out, I poured a goblet of the liquid out and placed it on the side.

I left the Chili on the side then grabbed some bread rolls, the butter pot and whipped up some vegetables before walking to the dining room.

Once I was sat, I winnowed the food into the table, and they all dug in.

I heard a very satisfied grunt from Mor as she took her first bite which made me happy. Amren was smiling at me with blood coating her teeth which made me laugh a little.

"Here's to family," dad said, raising his glass in a toast.

We all drank to that before falling into the easy rhythm of mealtime conversation.

"What did Bryaxis have to say today?" Amren asked from next to me.

"He was very excited when I called out, we sat in our usual chair and talked about what happened in the time I have been gone, both to me and him, I heard about your rant by the way, very classy, oh and he wished she was still alive so he could pay her a visit and have her piss herself before she dies again," I summed up.

"Sounds like you both had a proper catch up." She grinned.

"That we did, I kissed the top of his head when I left and he looked so happy I was slightly worried that he would combust," I laughed.

"You kissed Bryaxis?" Cassian yelled.

"No Cassian I didn't kiss him like that, I kissed the top of his head because as I have told you many times before he is a scaled dog, and my friend" I told him with a sigh.

"You still kissed him," he said with a shudder.

"You know it hurts his feelings that you flew away screaming like a little girl and still go pale when he is mentioned, maybe you should join me one day and try again," I suggested.

"No way in hell," he snapped, sending us all into fits of laughter. 

It Was ONE BuildingWhere stories live. Discover now