Chapter 13

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It was hard finding my place in Velaris again. At night I had taken to sleeping with Rhys, the nightmares were a constant for both of us and just having someone there helped.

I asked him what he was going to do about the mating bond the day before I was due to see Feyre, he said if she was happy, so was he and left it at that. I didn't push him.

I winnowed myself to the Spring Court, just outside the manor's wards.

'I'm outside,' I called to Feyre as I began walking to the manor.

I only just got through the gate before I was grabbed by three people and bought to my knees.

"Why are you here," one of them demanded.

"Let her go!" Feyre yelled, running for us.

"But lady," one of them protested.

"No buts Bron, she is here because I invited her for helping me in that cauldron forsaken place, now please let her go," Feyre said, crossing her arms.

The grip on me loosened and she pulled me to my feet.

She took me into the manor, a guard trailing us, much to my distaste.

"Alis, this is the friend I told you about," Feyre introduced me to a female with bark like skin.

"It's nice to meet you," I told her with a smile.

"And you, the horses are saddled, and Hart is waiting for you," she told Feyre.

"Thank you," Feyre said with a smile before leading me outside once more.

We walked side by side to the stables, a male was stood with four horses.

"Who else is coming?" I asked with a frown.

"I don't know, I said I just wanted it to be us two but I have to have a guard so that should just be three," she replied, crossing her arms.

"Hello," a light, annoying, female voice chirped.

"Ianthe," Feyre greeted.

'Don't tell her who I am, or where I am from' I said quickly into Feyre's mind, she gave me a slight dip of her chin.

"Who is your friend?" She asked, her gaze running over my body.

"This is Selene, we shared a cell for three months," Feyre told her.

"I'm Ianthe, High Priestess," she told me, I dipped my chin, she made me weary.

Feyre took us to a bright clearing that borders a lake.

"How are your family?" She asked once we were settled.

"My father is still recovering after Under the Mountain, as am I, I am training with my uncles again to try and gain back the strength I lost from being in a cell for fifty years which is annoying, but rewarding," I began.

"You're a female, why do you need to train?" Ianthe interrupted.

"I train so I don't have to rely on others to protect me, the dagger on my hip isn't just for show, my father gave it to me as a welcome present after he found out about my existence. I also train to prove to myself and others that I am strong and that they can't take what they want from me without a fight. We may be free from Amarantha, but we are far from peace." I told her, my gaze harsh.

Ianthe just snorted.

"Tell me about your aunts and your pet," Feyre urged, drawing my gaze away from Ianthe.

"My aunts are so different in nature it is surprising they don't fight all the time. One is the happiest person you will ever meet. She doesn't care what others think of her and is unapologetic about her body, honestly, you should have seen her father's face when she went to see him in the most revealing dress you have ever seen, she looked damn good though. Then my other aunt is tiny, a bit like me, but fierce. She is rarely known to laugh, or show any affection at all. The first time she hugged me was when I got back with my father after the last time you saw me and the rest of my family was so shocked, they were silent for a solid minute, which is a feat on its own." I told her, she burst out laughing.

"What about your pet, Bry, you spoke about him a lot," she pushed.

"Bry was beyond happy to see me, we sat curled up on a sofa together for a long time, just enjoying each other's company, I think he would like you, anyway, he was happy, and we have spent a lot of time together since I have been back." I said, smiling a little at the thought of Bryaxis being my pet, he would hate me.

"Can you show me what he looks like?" She asked, looking hopeful.

I laughed as I willed the water to rise and form into what Bryaxis looks like to me.

"What is that thing?" Ianthe screeched.

"This is Bry, he is my pet, problem?" I asked her, bite in my voice.

"No," she said hastily, and I nodded, sending the water back into the lake.

"Come on, let's go swimming before we eat," Feyre suggested, I nodded and followed her to the water's edge. 

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