Chapter 10

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Her second trial left her shaken, but thankfully not injured. I began to sing to her at night, once she had washed my back off, to send her to sleep.

The day of her third trial came and I was dragged out as well and made to watch as she killed each person in front of her. I watched something inside of her break as she took their lives.

When she stabbed Tamlin I waited for dad's power to be returned but nothing happened.

"Let us go!" I yelled at Amarantha.

"But Feyre wasn't specific in when I had to let you go, only that I had to at some point," she sneered at me.

I ran for Feyre, pulling her to her feet before turning on Amarantha.

"You have tortured us all for long enough, let us return home to our courts," I hissed at her.

"Insolent child," she snapped at me, striking me across the face.

My father roared and ran at her, but she struck him down with her magic. Feyre's screams sounded from behind me, and she shattered some of my bones.

Feyre staggered over so she was by my side.

"Love, the answer to your riddle is love," she rasped.

The next thing I know her neck snapped.

I caught her limp body as it fell, ignoring what was going on around me, and the pain I was in. I considered Feyre my closest friend, and now she was gone.

Tamlin snarled at me to let her go but I refused, holding her close to my body.

As I held her each High Lord stepped forwards, dropping a spark on her chest.

"Let her go," Tamlin growled at me.

"She's my friend, I've been kept in the same cell as her for three months, she cared for me when I was put back in the cell, my back a bloody mess and I cared for her after each trial while you did nothing to help her, I will not let her go," I growled at him through tears.

He gave up his spark and I watched as her body shifted, her limbs grew, and her ears pointed.

I sobbed harder as her chest rose and fell.

"Selene?" She whispered.

"Hey Feyre," I whispered back.

"Are we dead?" She asked quietly.

"No, we are very much alive," I promised.

"Feyre," Tamlin said, and she looked at him.

Feyre pushed herself up, looking down at her body.

"There was only one way we could bring you back," I explained quietly.

"How?" She asked, looking into my eyes.

"We made you fae," Tamlin told her.

Her eyes went wide as her hand travelled to her ear.

"I'm going to miss you," she said to me.

I pressed a kiss to her temple as we stood. I immediately fell back down again, crying out as I put my weight on my broken leg.

"Hush baby girl, you're ok," my father whispered in my ear, holding me against him.

Tamlin carried away an exhausted Feyre as Thesean began to heal my body. My father once again took away my pain as my leg was set then he lifted me into his arms and took me to the room he used.

He lay me gently on the bed and pressed a kiss to the top of my head before leaving me to sleep. 

When he woke me, he asked if I wanted to say goodbye to Feyre. I followed him to a balcony and hissed at the sun. He laughed a little from next to me and I hit him on the stomach.

Feyre's reaction was the same as mine when she joined us on the balcony.

"What do you want?" She asked him with a sigh.

"Just to say good-bye." He replied, I stepped around his large wing.

"And to wish you luck," I added.

"Before your beloved whisks you away forever." My father continued.

"Not forever," she reminded him, showing him her tattooed hand.

"At least you'll have me for company while you are in the Night Court, not just his old ass," I told her with a smirk, he glared at me.

"You could come back to Spring, with me." She offered.

"I'm sorry Feyre, but my home is Night, that's where my family is, if you ever need me, outside of your week with us I mean, just yell for me in your mind, I will hear you," I told her, taking her hands.

"Why?" She asked, looking at Rhys.

"Because when the legends get written, I didn't want to be remembered for standing on the side-lines. I want my future offspring to know that I was there, and that I fought against her at the end, even if I couldn't do anything useful." He told her, knowing what she meant.

I snorted, his offspring was stood right here.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"I doubt you'll be saying that when I take you to the Night Court." He mused.

"You are not helping yourself," I hissed at him, he just rolled his eyes.

"You two seem awfully close, are you lovers," Rhys burst out laughing as I shook my head.

"No Feyre, we are not lovers. Rhys here is my father. You asked me time and time again why she whipped me, she did it because I refused to tell Rhys I hated him instead of loved him, that is why I must go back to the Night Court," I explained softly.

She nodded her head slightly before looking out over the forest that surrounds the mountain.

"Are you going to fly home?" She asked my father.

"Unfortunately, it would take longer than I can afford. Another day, I'll taste the skies again." He told her with a genuine smile.

"Can you fly?" She asked me, noting my lack of wings.

"Even though I have the ability to summon wings, I only knew my father for a short time before being trapped here, I don't yet know how to use them," I explained.

"You should learn, then maybe you can take me flying one day," she said with a soft smile.

Dad choked on a laugh, so I smacked the backside of his head to shut him up before turning back to Feyre.

"I would like that very much," I told her gently.

"How does it feel to be a High Fae?" Dad asked her suddenly.

"I'm an immortal who has been mortal. This body is different, but this," she placed a gently hand over her heart.

"This is still human. Maybe it always will be. But it would have been easier to live with it. . . easier to live with what I did if my heart had changed, too. Maybe I wouldn't care so much; maybe I could convince myself their deaths weren't in vain. Maybe immortality will take that away. I can't tell whether I want it to."

I stared at her in silence for a while unsure of what to say or do, dad thankfully saved me from having to do anything.

"Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don't feel anything at all." He told her in a voice I hadn't heard in a long time, the voice he used in Velaris.

"Well, good-bye for now," he continued.

I stepped forwards wrapping her into a hug

I turned to face my father, but he was looking at Feyre in shock. He stumbled back a step and I felt him ready to winnow so I grabbed onto his sleeve and shot Feyre a smile over my shoulder before we vanished. 

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