Chapter 8

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Every day was the same, I would be tied up, Rhys would take away my pain as I was whipped for telling him I loved him.

He would come and see me every night, patching me up and crying with me in my cell before he had to go again. The years slowly passed, and I grew older, my fiftieth birthday dad brought me cake, making me smile for the first time in this god forsaken place.

"Happy birthday baby girl," he whispered as he walked in, as he did every year, but there was hope this time.

"You're smiling," I gasped.

"Am I not allowed to smile at my daughter?" He asked with a wink.

I let out a long sigh.

"You haven't smiled at me in nearly fifty years," I told him, his smile faltered.

"I smiled at you on your fiftieth," he said, frowning now.

"Dad, as much as I love you, I know when you are smiling at me just to make me happy, you lack the stars in your eyes," I said, taking his hand and sitting him next to me.

"We have hope, I'm smiling because I have hope again," he whispered as he pulled me into a hug.

"What hope, I don't talk to anyone but you, tell me what is happening out there," I quietly begged.

"A girl, she made a bargain with Amarantha to free us all," he said.

'And I'm going to do everything in my power to help her,' he added into my mind.

"Me too, I don't know what, but me too," I told him, hope blooming in my own chest.

"You are going to be cell mates, if that is ok with you," he told me, I nodded.

"What do you want me to do while I'm with her?" I asked.

"Keep her company, don't let her break, and most importantly don't tell her who you are to me, tell her you are from Summer, not Night, she hates me and for good reason, just be careful," he whispered into my hair as he held me close.

I nodded and he winnowed me outside her cell.

'Good luck,' he whispered into my mind before dropping me into her cell.

The girl jolted up, staring at me with wide, scared eyes.

"Hello," I whispered.

"Who are you?" She asked, taking me in.

"A prisoner here, just like you," I told her with a sigh as I stood, walking over to the second bed of hay in the corner and sitting on it.

"But you're fae," she whispered.

"That I am, but I have become Amarantha's plaything, and as a bastard, no one particularly cares," I told her with a shrug.

My back protested but I didn't care.

"You're hurt," she told me simply.

"It's not that bad, you should see me in the evenings, you'd be sick." I told her as I rested my head against the wall.

"What is your name?" she asked.

"Selene, and yours?" I replied, glad she seemed perky at the moment.

"Feyre," she said with a small smile.

"Well it is nice to meet you Feyre, I have a feeling we are going to get to know each other very well." I replied with a grin.

That night, just like every other night I was dragged from my cell by my father, his portion of the punishment, leading me to my torturer.

The Attor tied me up as I looked at Amarantha.

"Have you changed your mind yet dear?" She asked me.

I looked at my father.

"I love you dad," I whispered, as I do every evening, and the whip cracked onto my back.

I hissed through my teeth, putting up the façade of growing used to the pain, even if I wasn't feeling it.

After five my father let me down and took me back to my cell, kissing my temple before opening the door and throwing me in.

Feyre openly gasped as she took me in.

I pulled the now red and ripped shift off me and dumped it in the corner, not caring that I was naked in front of Feyre, I needed the cuts to close without the fabric in the way.

"She does this every day?" Feyre whispered, I just nodded as my fae blood, and magic, helped to heal my back.

Once I felt the blood stop running, I went over the new, neatly folded, shift on the hey and the bucket. I began washing the blood off my skin, but Feyre was quicker.

She took the rough sponge from my shaking fingers and began gently washing off my back, getting to the places I couldn't and washing away years' worth of blood from those areas.

Once she finished, I pulled on the new shift and turned to her, pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"I promise I will do that every day," she whispered back. 

It Was ONE BuildingWhere stories live. Discover now