Epilogue II.

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He took my hand on the way out and didn't let go even when we were standing in the throne room. The delegation from Atlantis was composed of various members of court whom I didn't know, and three members of the Council I sadly knew very well. I couldn't believe this warranted the presence of not one, but three of them out of a total of eight – it meant they treated the matter with a great seriousness, which meant no good news for me. 

They offered their greetings to King Nikolai, expressing their delight upon the idea of forming diplomatic relations, and Nikolai responded with the same amount of empty courtesies, but with an unparalleled graciousness. Then Arkhai of the Atlantis Council of Magic stepped forward, and started talking.

"Excuse us, your majesty, but before we proceed, we have a matter of great importance and urgency to take care of."

My heart skipped a beat. "I can't believe they are doing this in public," I whispered into Aleksander's ear. He gripped my hand a little bit tighter.

"Altair of Atlantis, you have been tried by the Court of the Atlantis Council of Magic in you absence, for the charges of violating the paragraphs one to fifty-seven of the Regulation of said Council, along with the subparagraphs of said paragraphs for every existing letter of the alphabet."

I sighed. The Regulation had fifty-seven paragraphs in total, I guessed I was setting a record.

"You have been found guilty of all the charges and have been sentenced by the Court according to the Subregulation on the Consequences of Violating the Regulation."

I noticed small wisps of shadow escaping from Aleksander's fingers. "Please don't," I whispered to him.

"However, the Court of the Atlantis Council of Magic is aware the special circumstances of your actions, along with the possible negative consequences the avoidance of which has been made possible by your actions, and in consideration of all of the above, you're hereby sentenced to the deduction of five days from your annual paid holiday, effective for the ongoing year.

Furthermore, considering your outstanding knowledge of Ravka and your already existing relationship with the government of the country, the Atlantis Council of Magic, in accordance with the King of Atlantis, is naming you the first official ambassador of Atlantis at the Court of Ravka, effective immediately, until an undetermined date in the future."

Aleksander touched my neck with his lips. "Guess there will be no need for that ship after all. Pity."  

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