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"I agree with her." I say pointing to the girl with the choppy hair. "You really suck at using a bow Annie."

"I told you this and you said 'You're a Hunter now Annie, you need to use your bow not your knife.'" Annabeth says snapping back at me.

"Oh I will throw you back down that canyon, do not test me. Then your little Prince Charming can save you again."

"You think I want him to save me?" Annabeth exclaims. "He is not my type!"

"Right here." Jason responds back.

"Well don't worry Jason, you would never wanna date Annabeth anyway she's to high maintenance, plus she can't date. The Hunters of Artemis pledge their allegiance is to the goddess, and the goddess alone." I say back.

"I'm sorry, the Hunters of what now?" The girl says.

"You can't date?!" The short boy next to her says.

"One, we'll explain once we set up camp." I turn to the boy. "Two, no I can't date, and that is not the reason I'm not interested in you." I smile at the boy. I hear the girl snicker, I can tell I'm gonna like her. "Follow me." I say leading the group into the desert. "Annabeth." I call once we reach a docile spot.

She pitched three tents with ease. "I'll get a fire going." She says setting up a fire.

"Let me m'lady." The small boy says winking as he gets closer to the fire. He moves his hands over the fire and within a second a spark appears on the boy's hands. Then on the fire.

Annabeth and I lock eyes, Hephaestus.

"What the?!" Jason exclaims. "How the Pluto did you do that?"

"Are you kidding me? You just flew me out of the Grand Canyon and me making a fire start sparks you?" He looks around. "Sparks. Get it?"

"Sit down Leo." The girl says tugging on his shoulder.

The boy, Leo, sits down next to her, still eyeing Jason. I swear to Artemis is I have a weird 'Alpha Male' pissing contest, I'll shoot them both. I don't care if Jason's my baby brother.

"Let's call this meeting to order." Annabeth says gaining everyone's attention. She has that quality. Annabeth sits in between me and Jason, with the girl across from her and Leo next to me. "So, I guess we should say our names first. I'm Annabeth."



"Leo Valdez." Leo says with a wink towards me.

"Piper." The girl says shortly.

"Right, uh," Annabeth looks around the circle. "there isn't a good way to explain this but, the gods are real. You all are the children of one. I'm the child of Athena, but last year I joined the Hunter of Artemis." Annabeth gestured towards me.

"Uh yea, I'm Artemis' lieutenant, and Annie here is my right hand. Basically we just swear to stay loyal to the goddess, go on her quests, track down any animals that stuff. We promise to never be in any sort of romantic relationship and in return we gain immortality."

"Wait?" Leo says. "You can't be killed?"

"Not exactly." Annabeth says. "We can be killed, but we can't die of old age. So as long as we stay safe we could live forever. Your godly parent T."

"Oh right that, Zeus."

"What?" Leo exclaims. "Your dad is, Zeus? God of like everything?!"

"I wouldn't say that." Annabeth warns. "The other gods don't love when all the credit goes to Zeus."

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