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"We're stopping here," Thalia says at a campground in Colorado. "Annie and Piper pitch the tents. Jason and Leo go get the fire started."

"And what are you going to do your Royal highness?" I ask.

"Sit here and look pretty." Thalia smirks plopping herself down in the dirt.

"Why did Artemis make you her second again?" I ask.

"Cause I'm a hot lesbian," She says. "reminded her of herself."

"Are a lot of Artemis' Hunters lesbians?" Piper asks.

"Mainly yea," Thalia says. "they're drawn to this line or work when they realize men aren't allowed to travel with the Hunters."

"Then what am I?" Leo says, genuinely confused.

"Well you and Jason were excused from that rule by the Lady herself." Thalia says.

"Question," Piper asks. "can hunters just not date? Or can they date girls?"

"Why?" Thalia asks. "In need of a girlfriend?"

"No," Piper says, her cheeks slightly reddening. "just confused with the rules is all."

"No." I say. "Hunters cannot even date other Hunters."

"Has anyone ever done it?" Piper asks. "I mean two Hunters date?"

"Yes," Thalia says slowly. "they had to leave. Which isn't an easy task." Thalia looks suspiciously at Piper.

"Done." Leo says.

"Done." I say.

We all gather around the campfire and start to eat our rations, "This reminds me of summer camp." Piper says. Thalia and I exchange a silent look, "You know, the campfire and food." Piper tries again, attempting to get one of us to comment. "Now all we need to do is start singing songs." Piper lets out a small laugh.

At that I'm done, I stand up and walk over to my tent. As I turn to shut the tent, I catch a glimpse of Piper watching me, her expression seems hurt. I can't bare to look at the Aphrodite charm practically radiating off of her.

I close the tent and lay on the ground, I look over to my right the bright orange t-shirt always reminding me of that place.

The place that gave me my family, that taught me everything I know. The place that took away my family. The place that taught a 7-year-old that you have to be the strongest warrior to be loved by your mom.

The place that gave me all of my memories with him.

The place that echos the haunts of his betrayal.

To the left I see the gray and blue flannel I hold so dearly. I know I shouldn't, men are shit. But I can't seem to let go of it. Let go of him.

He truly loved me.

How can you let someone go who loves you like that?

I guess I'll have to ask Percy.

Percy choosing the gods over me isn't the whole reason I joined the Hunters.

I mean it was definitely the final push, but I joined because I know I could actually make a difference. Help people.

Not destroy them like I was taught to do.

The other reason I joined was-

"Hey Annie," Thalia says coming through the tent. "you okay babe?" She sits down next to me.

"I'm fine." I say. "Piper just gets on my nerves."


"She thinks she owns the world," I say. "she doesn't understand anything clearly. Continues to ask stupid questions about the Hunters. Uses her charmspeak way to often. And her face is so, so, punchable!" I exclaim.

The Huntress and Her ArrowWhere stories live. Discover now