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Who the hell let him be that hot?

Him and his sister honestly but Jason. Mhm.

I like him.

I totally like him and I don't even know if he like guys. But every guy is a little gay right? I mean Ryan Reynolds exists.

Okay let's weigh our evidence.

The fashion sense - gay and blind or straight.

But to be fair I don't exactly have the fashion sense of Harry Styles. Piper reminds me of that daily and constantly tries to get to go shopping with her. Which I did but I left the mall with tears in my eyes after Pipes made me get my ears pierced at Claire's. That place is evil.

Music taste - from what I've heard he's a big Taylor Swift guy. Gay or straight and educated.

Hair - it's taken care of but not necessarily up to my standards.

But I guess I need to judge him with a grain of salt since he still can't really remember his life he probably doesn't remember how to function.

"So," Think of Hades, Jason pipes up from my side. "Piper and Annabeth don't really seem to get along."

"I'm not surprised." Thalia says from up ahead. "Athena never liked Aphrodite."

"Athena never really liked anyone if I remember my Greek mythology correctly." Jason says laughing.

"Fair." Thalia says smiling back at her brother. "Plus Piper- oh never mind."

"What?" I pry.

"Oh nothing Piper just reminds me of someone that's all."

"The water boy?"

Thalia looks down at the foot covered path giving me a silent conformation.

"How ya feeling golden-boy?"

"Good," Jason looks down at me and smiles. "more memories are coming back. More people, the camp I was I at, I was in charge. I was thrown into the position, or bred for it more like."

"More people huh? Did anyone else fall in love with the beautiful Jason Grace?" Jason's cheeks flush and his freckles are suddenly more visible then they've ever been.

"There were some Venus girls who has crushes on me that wrote me love notes, and a couple other campers but I never returned those feelings." His eyes are so blue they seen like they might blind me. "Just that girl Reyna, but I," Jason sighed. "We never dated, it was just a couple of moonlit kisses and rooftop dances."

"Not really the dating type?" Okay commitment issues.

"I guess," He looked around at the woods around us. "Never really had many crushes in the first place. You?"

"Eh, couple guys here couple girls there."



"Ah, that's all genders no preference right?" He asked.

"Yea." I smiled. Okay either giant ally or gay.

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