I have not had an intention to move people for any reason except great sadness.
Whether writing,
Nor, have I ever sought entertainment expressed from anything other then the same great sadness.
My life therefore, was built on a collection of all consuming agony, and my expressions through all platforms had to be matched.
My internal anguish could not just be spoken it had to be lived.
I was never moved to be happy.
I did not find solace in calm waters,
Or In happy tunes.
The only emotions I can find comfort in are the ones most often occurring.
Bitterness, anger, sadness, envy....
When one isn't happy as a regular occurrence, the sensation can make you uneasy.
Like walking on a rocking ship, you always anticipate loosing your footing.
When all you know is heartbreak, you walk on eggshells knowing eventually the rug will be pulled out from underneath.
This means finding solace in the bleak.
Comfort in the cold.
Resolution in the chaos.
And love all aloneC. G.
No one is there
Poetrypoetry book. all the things I've written that I could never say out loud. Some topics may be difficult for some people so check for disclaimers .