Things I Learned loving someone before they loved me:1. Life is too short to not say I Love you every time you mean it
2. Subsequently Life is too short to say that shit when you Don't mean it
3. Everyone says I Love you, we just don't all say it the same; search for how people tell you everyday
4. Love is so scary, that's what makes it so human
5. Loving something means you'll get hurt. Today, Ten years from now, a Lifetime. Own it. don't be afraid of the what if's when they're inevitable
6. Just because you feel something first doesn't make you wrong, if anything it makes you as right as you'll ever be
7. Bettering yourself for the person who will love you is growth. Not being offended when someone does this for you is also growth
8. You don't have to love yourself to love someone else, but you do have to work on it everyday
9. You can love someone and not know their favorite color
10. You should still learn it, just like you should learn every little thing over the time you get to have together
11. Love the people you love like you don't know how long you have together, because you don't
12. If it's not worth loosing them over learn to let it go (If its worth loosing them over then you know you gotta go)
13. You never have to make yourself small for the right people, it's ok to take up space. Let them love all of you not just some of you
14. Love how you want to be loved always, it pays off in the end
15. Everyone changes, just not always for the better. But when they do - cherish them, they worked hard to be here (this applies to you too)
No one is there
Poetrypoetry book. all the things I've written that I could never say out loud. Some topics may be difficult for some people so check for disclaimers .