Pain Scale

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When you are experiencing something that will hurt they ask you to rate the pain on a scale of 1-10

No matter what I am experiencing I can not answer accurately.

The scale to me has never made sense.

If 10 is the worst pain imaginable, the brink of death, how do I know what my worst pain is before that.

I can never bring myself to choose a high number even wile in agony.

This is because I will never know when my worst pain is coming.

I can not risk my 10 on something that wont kill me.

I can't bring myself to admit pain when I know it could always be worse.

I wonder how much of life I've let slip by simply waiting for the next time I would be hurt.

I wonder how much pain I've ignored assuming it would only get worse.

I wonder what my life would look like if I had learned that you never know when you'll be your happiest instead.

I wonder if it's too late to start instead...

C. G.

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