Sitting around under the night sky I look up in to the stars and for once in my short life what is a person. Not to say I'm a real person I'm a much smaller thing that lives in this world and all I can do with my life is watching what these so called humans go through their daily lives, just like I do to a point I'm not sure if this is living spending every waking moment watching these so called humans. But I guess it is better than living in there so called earth.
These humans have done nothing but start wars and endless fighting that was started by this race maybe if I went down to them. Wait I've tried that before and that only started more fighting over what I was to most people I was called a god but that isn't what I am I am only one of the thousands of my kind who sit up here centuries on end watching them change over and over trying to fix the fighting trying to show these humans there real reason for living.
I won't tell you what your reason for living is because that would take the fun out of trying to find out of the point of life. But I will say this those people who find out the true meaning of life are some of the happiest people alive. Then again the people who have found out the meaning of life have tended to change over some time some start to think they know everything or some people think that the ones who know the meaning of life are crazy saying there is no god creating more fighting among their race. But people are ever changing from each day they change more and more these humans are never the same growing up none of them will ever be one hundred % alike, even to us this is amazing as we will never change we are as we were born till we die but theses' humans change and adapt to the world around them.
But we think this is because they are all in their own way their own person, unlike us as we are all one mind but we each have our own thoughts but everything that one of us sees everyone else can see it as well, these humans thought they can only see what they see from their eyes it's like each one is their own so called being. Just this idea is sacking, how long it would take to teach something to a group of humans. When one of are kind is born then learn everything that we have learned over thousands of years in a single day but that's beside the point, humans learn over years they change from what they learn unlike us they can change I guess that's one thing that sets them apart from us, this makes every person their own.
These humans have body's unlike us we really just float around all day not much fun but we can never be hurt the human body seems to be very easy to hurt. Their minds react to when there body is hurt they call this feeling pain this leads me to believe that their minds and bodies are somehow connected but even we can't find this out and it is vary odd.
But there is more then humans that live on this planet there are animals that live on this planet as well but they seem to act close to humans as well yet they look much different then a human being some don't even live on land, some live in the sky's. Some people don't of animals as people but to us they are animals are known to us as a living being with the same mind as a human with the will to survive. They know what they need to survive and have adapted to there surroundings to do that.
Some of us where born to think that every living thing has something like a back up if they die, they call it the soul. Those of us who believe in this soul have watched people die then some one else be born moments after taking the exact same traits as the person who had just died. Some of us have proven that this is just dumb luck but those who think that the soul is real they say there is a bigger force at work behind it then just dumb luck.
But as these human beings keep changing and growing maybe we should watch for longer before deciding to show are self's again