Chapter one

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Alison and Gabriel were rummaging through Alison's attic—searching for stuff she didn't need—when Alison found a peculiar-looking box painted with red flowers on the front.

"Hey, Gabe," Alison said. "Look at this."

"What?" Gabriel walked over to Alison and sat next to her, examining the box she held.

Alison blew off the dust when blowing on it, and little dust sparks scattered around them.

Gabe winced, and read the name of the mysterious box's title as it was in bold, brown print.

"Hm. Lightning Holds," Alison read.

Then the doorbell rang suddenly. Alison put down the box and headed down the ladder to the attic and then down the stairs to the front door.

Meanwhile, Gabe opened the box and found a little case. A video game? Gabe thought.

The blue case had the same words that were on the box that he opened. He opened the cover and found a disc inside of it. Ooh! A disc—

Then, a loud scream came from downstairs.

Gabriel rushed downstairs, with the game and all, and rushed into the scene.

There, in the living room, Alison was fighting off a man, a tall man, with short blonde hair and a crooked smile appeared on his face. The front door was wide open. The man held a knife up to Alison's throat as she pleaded, crying, and her back was hurting as she was pushed up against the wall.

"Where's the—"

"Get away from her!" Gabe yelled.

The man glanced at Gabe and caught the game in his eyes, chuckling. The man dropped Alison, which she fell, choking, and made his way to Gabe, standing a mere six inches apart from the boy. "Give me the game, boy. I am the CEO of that company and I want this game to be heard. And you're—"

"Who are you?" Gabe yelled. "Why are you hurting my friend?"

The man merely chuckled again, laughing off the silly boy's plead. "Well. I am the owner of that game. My name is Mr. Light. And I suggest you give that reckless game to me now..."

Gabe waited for him to go on, but he didn't. "Why do you need it?"

The man had something in his eyes that Gabe couldn't tell. Hatred, perhaps? Green eye jealousy?

Whatever it was, it faded away quickly with his smirk, which both turned into the soft and happy gentleness of his tone now as he replied, "Ah. You don't know why I'm here and who I am," Mr. Light gestured for Alison to come toward them, to hear their conversation.

Alison hesitated, but even though she'd just been threatened a knife to the neck, she walked to them, better to play it safe.

"I am Mr. Light and I am the CEO of 'Lightning Holds,' the game that you're clutching,"

Gabriel took a glance at the game he was holding. "Why do you need it?" he said, repeating the question he had a second time.

Mr. Light hesitated as he answered, picking his words carefully. "Uh... because it's the only one I have of it and I need it for... uh, purposes..."

"What purposes?" Alison asked.

"Look, if you don't give me that game, I'll—"

"You'll what?" Gabe yelled.

Mr. Light laughed. "Oh, I'll just do the same thing I did with your friend here, but making sure she actually dies,"

Gabe and Alison exchanged looks of concern.

Mr. Light waited patiently, fiddling with the knife he held.

Alison's heart started to pound in her chest as the air grew thick around. Her eyes went blurry as she couldn't see anything anymore, even if she had her new black, blue glasses on she got just yesterday. Her head started to spin with a light headache.

"A-Ali? What's happening to you?" Gabe asked.

Mr. Light smiled as though a little girl that was suddenly light-headed was just as normal as anything else. "All is a simple answer I need, that's all. Yes or no, give me the game, do not give the game. Your choice. Time's ticking."

Gabe was sweating a heartbeat, but he was concerned even more. Give the game to the so-called owner he claimed to be, or keep it, risking Alison's life? Or possibly, his life too?

Then, all the while he was thinking, he too got dizzy. They then both—Alison and Gabriel—dropped to the floor.

Mr. Light's smirk appeared once again. "Time's up. I guess I take that as a no." He picked up the game off the floor as the kids were unconscious, and inspected it. No scratches, no dents. It's perfect, The man thought to himself. He strode to the door, but stopped, deciding a few children would be nice company at his house. He smirked even more at the thought, his green eyes dazzling with gracious crime he was going to commit.


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