Chapter two

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Alison was the first to wake up. She pushed herself up off the cold metal-like floor, and sat up, rubbing her eyes. She looked around, finding out she wasn't in her house anymore. She adjusted her black, light blue glasses on her nose. It's a wonder how they didn't fall off. The glasses looked black on the outside rim, but when you put them in the sun or light, they looked an ugly brown. There was also a color of a very pastel blue on the inside of the glasses, too, which Alison liked the best.

Alison looked at Gabe, gasping a little while the whole situation came flooding back in her mind. They've fallen unconscious was all she knew. A man perhaps was there? She didn't remember clearly.

She shook her friend a little and whispered, "Gabe, wake up!"

Gabriel groaned. He finally sat up with the back to his hand, rubbing his eyes. "Wha-what? You wanna play Smash Bros or something you said?" His eyes adjusted to the bright light that was on to illuminate the room, hanging from the ceiling. It looked like they were trapped inside a metal-like-with-no-windows-or-anything room. But there was a small, hidden security camera in the corner ceiling that they didn't see was there. "Wait... where are we?" Gabe finally asked after minutes of observing.

Alison watched Gabe turn around and face her, replying, "Gabe... do you remember anything from yesterday afternoon?"

"Yeah... I-I think. Why?"

"What do you remember?"

Gabe tried to think as hard as he could but couldn't think of anything at all actually. He shrugged instead.

As Alison was about to say something, a man came into the room. He had blonde hair, combed to the side, and was tall, about six-foot. He wore a black suit with a tie and black-jeaned pants. Alison recognized him immediately.

Alison backed away—well, crab-walked away—and gasped. "Y-You!" she yelled.

Gabe looked at the man, having no memory of him at all.

The man chuckled. "Splendid place I've got here, isn't it?"

"Where did you take us?" Alison's heart was beating wildly.

The man chuckled. "Remember me? Well, you don't"—he pointed at Gabe—"Because I've wiped your memory."

"You what?" Gabe yelled.

"Let me just tell you all who I am. I am Mr. Light, who've you two brought me to life by saying the two words, and now I'm keeping you for that."

"What two words?" Alison was concerned.

"'Lightning Holds,' the game you've found that belonged to me."

"Wait, so—" Alison saw the knife in Mr. Light's hand as she remembered the wicked incident yesterday. She looked back at the man and continued. She stood up, yelling, "You wicked man!"

Mr. Light laughed. "Well, if you two weren't such brats and said the game name, and just left the game there, I wouldn't have to kill you,"

"Kill us? What're you talking about?" Gabe said.

Mr. Light walked up to Alison, eyeing her with suspicious eyes. "Eh. I guess I'll let you live for another, hm, day or so? If you're not boring, that is,"

Alison gulped. Mr. Light laughed again.

"Let us go," Alison said with fear in her voice.

The man made a fake pouty face, mocking her. "Aww. You just wanna get out to see your dumb friends, huh? How freaking cute,"


The man challenged her to shut up with his eyes skinning her pupils. She did.

Alison breathed heavily.

Mr. Light walked up to Gabriel. "How are you, my boy? You're a cutey,"

"Don't call me that." Gabe replied.

"I can call you whatever I want, you ignorant—"

"Get away from him now,"

Mr. Light looked at Alison with satisfaction. "Why, you're a good friend, aren't you?"

"Get away from him—us—now. You have no right to..."

"Tooooooo... what now?"

Gabe watched as they both sort of argued.

"Please, finish your sentence, darling. I'd love to hear what you have to say,"

Alison fell silent as the man walked around her, eyeing her every appearance. He kept watch of her blonde hair that was scraggly just like his; not brushed.

The man huffed and went back to the center of the room. "Well, I'll leave you two alone now to discuss how to escape. Oh, wait! You can't!" Mr. Light laughed at his own joke sarcastically. He left the room, leaving the kids alone again, scared.


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