Chapter nine

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OR3O was still confused at why her friend ran out like that. He had said he'd had to save some children, didn't he?

Euria's ears rang as soon as she thought about the run-away Charlie situation. She didn't know why they did—she guessed it was some ear problems—but instead took it as a sign. Charlie needs help, She thought.

Euria got up from the chair and phoned her friends, Chi-Chi, and Kathy-Chan.

"Hello?" Chi-Chi answered. "Oh, Euria hi! What do you need—"

"Chi, I think Charlie's in danger. He said he'd had to save some kids and it's already been four hours since we bumped into each other," OR3O interrupted the girl's high-pitched voice.

"Okay! Who else do you need?"

"Kathy, bring Kathy over, okay?"


"Meet me at Horrorwood, Arizona."

The girls said goodbye and they met at Horrorwood, Arizona soon after. They looked at each other and braced themselves as they looked at the big, purple-ugly house in front of them, the house Charlie saw for the first time.

"This house wasn't here before—"

"Oh, come on, let's go!" Euria said.


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