Trying the impossible

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I knew I couldn't figure this out on my own. My first reaction was to pick up my phone off the bed and try my next emergency number. So that's what I did. The phone rung a couple times before she finally answered. "Hey" I said "I need your help with something."
"You know I'd love to help Lil, but I'm not up for another crazy experiment of yours. Not today at least." Max said to me in a hurried tone. I sighed into the phone and said "what if I told you it could save my life?" There was a long pause. My guess is that she was thinking it over like she does everything. Trying to be logical, like all of us so often do. Then she said something back to me. "Then I'm in." She said, and ended the call.

The thing I forgot to mention about Max is her habit to just show up. Doesn't even bother to ask when on the phone because she just knows when you need her. It annoys me yet it's one of the things that makes us so close. A prime example of this was at 6 o'clock when the doorbell rang out of the blue. I rushed towards the door making sure I'd be there first. When I opened it I found Max staring at me with her energetic smile. She had Ashton held by the wrist, a clear sign that she had dragged him along. He didn't smile, he just shook her off is arm and fixed his hair. Out of all of us, Ashton happened to be the only one not bullied. He was actually cool. "Hey guys" I said and stepped to the side to let them in. We didn't hesitate to run up to my room and lock the door. When we were behind the safety of closed doors max turned and said "what's risking your life this time?" Sarcastically. Ashton just laughed and turned towards the wall. "Wait this is why I'm here? Lil's in trouble again?" I sneered at him. "Trouble, no." I said. "But we need to figure something out."

They just stared at me. Like I knew they would. I gave an exasperated sigh, this is what I get for even trying. Laying on the bed I carefully looked at them, choosing my words wisely. This was going to be fun. "Well, I hate to tell you this but my aunt died in the flares last night. And my area of houses in going to be hit in a few days the predict." Typical of them they just stared at me in horrified silence. Max started pacing around the room thinking. Ashton was mumbling something to himself under his breath. Max turned and said "what about going to stay somewhere else?" She asked. Yeah, like I hadn't already thought of that. "I can't," I said, "I have no family left other than my parents." We all hung our heads towards the ground as the thick silence of reality floated around us.

"Wait" Ashton suddenly said, "what if we go back and change it?"
Max started at him and asked "what?" His expression started to get more and more excited as he spoke, his hands rapidly flying in circles. He looked at us and said "well we're smart right? Add Florence in and we could beat a genius in two seconds. So, what if we work together and try to go back and change what happened?" I stared at him in shock "change time?" I said almost whispering.

He gave a bright smile and said "yes." And right then was the day I accepted to the best and worst experience of my life. We were going to try the impossible.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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