chapter 1.

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"Waitress! Two jugs of ale!" 

"Coming right up!"

Two jugs of purely fresh-made ale were poured, then brought to the pair of men. A tip of two coins were given to the waitress and she bows down in acceptance.

"Thank you very much sir." 

He raised his palm up and was about to slap her bottom, but she maneuvered out of the way and returned to the back of the counter. She had similar instances from the same type of men. There were those who were freshly awake and others knocked out like a light from the several drinks they had consumed. 

"They never stop do they." the bartender sighs under his breath, a hint of disappointment laced in his voice. 

"Nothing a petite person like me can do." she replies. 

The bartender barely pulls up a smile, a sad expression now looming on his face. He was about to say something, but her stern expression refrained him from doing so. 

Putting away the serving tray, Ailiseu walks around towards the counter to clean up the dirty glasses. She ends the day with cleaning up the counter and waits for the remaining customers to leave. 

Ailiseu turns the sign board around, indicating it closed for the night. The bartender sweeps the last corner of the floorboard before turning around to observe the condition of the bar. When her head pops up from the counter, a thought crosses over the bartender.

"Hey, Ailiseu."

"Yes, Caspar?" 

Caspar places the broom away at the back. There was a strain on his face muscles, as if he did not want to say anything. Ailiseu crosses her arms as she waits patiently for Caspar to start speaking. 

"Is something the matter?" she inquires.

"Come. Let's sit down." Caspar gestures to the nearby set of table and the pair sit down.

The smile fades away from her face and her lips pursed into a thin line. She was beginning to feel a little bit concerned for the bartender. 

"This is news to me actually, but I've been informed that the lords from the palace are looking for servants to help out with their ball party in the upcoming days. They pay really well for each helper, you know?" Caspar said.

Ailiseu was kind of hoping to make some money instead of working more than the regular shift a week. She could barely see her younger brother as she was often working in the local bars. She missed his cheeky smile and she felt bad for only seeing him at dinner time. Although business was beginning to thrive in the neighbourhood, income was still quite tough to receive. 

"This is the first time I've heard of it. Did the boss tell you about this?"

Caspar slowly reaches out to his nape before slightly rubbing it, "Yeah, he told me before rushing off to who knows where. I guess he didn't have the chance to tell you about it. I think he told me two days ago."

Ailiseu remembered why she couldn't meet her boss. She had to take a few days off to take care of her sick brother, of whom got a light fever. 

The boy, however, was now recovered and well. His sense of bright spirits have returned, but it isn't a mistake that he became upset once in a while due to his sister's tight shifts. Ailiseu hoped that she could at least spend a proper week taking care of the lad without having to worry about money and all.

"Does that mean you'll be coming too, Caspar?" Ailiseu inquires, a glint of hope evident in her voice. 

Caspar nods his head and relief washes over her. 

"That's good to hear. When is the ball going to be held?"

"By tomorrow."

Night had fallen fleetingly that by the time Ailiseu reached home, her brother was already sleeping on the couch instead of the bed. The boy had a habit of waiting for his sister late at night that he'd pass out on the couch. 

Ailiseu feels bad every time she comes home to see her brother asleep on the couch. She wishes she could do something about her shift and money. 

She didn't thoroughly accept the offer straight away, regardless of the handsome sum of allowance just to work for one night. It would be of great help to stop working overtime, Yet at the same time, she was thinking of her younger brother. 

His birthday is the day after the party. 

The lass shakes off the exhaustion off her shoulders. She drops her tote bag next to the kitchen area and kneels down next to her sleeping brother. She reaches out and caresses his head. The boy slightly flinches in his sleep and he snuggles closer to her arm.

Ailiseu sighs and her heart becomes lighter knowing that her brother is doing well.

"I wish you can complain to me for once, Haru." 

Haru stirs in his sleep and his eyes flutters open. The young boy yawns widely, inducing a wide smile to appear on her face.

"Hmm? Sister? You're back." Haru mumbles under his breath. 

Ailiseu continues to rub his hair to ease him naturally back to sleep, but the boy was already on his feet to snuggle against his sister.

"Did I wake you up, Haru?"

"No. I was dreaming about a floating castle."

"A floating castle? What was it about?" Ailiseu inquires as she gently caresses his small back.

She couldn't believe how small he was and how young he is. It was only a year since her parents were assumed to be missing. Their bodies were no where to be found and she could not remember where they were last seen. Her heart remains heavy every time she has to lie to Haru. 

"The floating castle was really big and the stairs kept on going forever. There were people in fluffy dresses and silky suits. There was also wonderful music in the background!" Haru smiles in his nap, his arms gesticulating his dream that Ailiseu hoped kept him distracted. 

"Well, speaking of that floating castle, do you want to hear something exciting?" Ailiseu prompts the boy up, carrying him upstairs to his room. 

"Maybe later ... Haru is still tired." the young boy mumbles once more. 

Ailiseu grins at the sight before gently placing her brother on his bed. In a moment, he was already out like a light. His tight grip on her arm loosened, creating a faint red mark on her skin. She strokes his hair out of his eyes and sits up to prepare for her slumber. 

The lass takes the envelope out of her bag. There wasn't much cash left inside and what remains could probably last her a week left. 

It was the first time she'd ever heard that the Lords from the castle are looking to hire servants for their party. She assumed they already had their own chosen servants. Maybe, this was a special occasion that instigated a new beginning. 

She looks out from the window, seeing the full moon shine brightly towards the surrounding neighbourhood. She finally makes up her mind about going tomorrow and going all out for Haru's birthday.

He deserved true happiness. 

Ailiseu locks all the doors, leaving one window opened for the fresh air to breeze through. She quickly cleans up, finally passing out on her bed. 

She hopes that she can make it for Haru's surprise party. 

. . . 

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